Consuming his ‘za leads to the next day spent in the loo (Malnati’s).
Consuming his ‘za leads to the next day spent in the loo (Malnati’s).
I dont get this joke.
That’s an own-goal, right?
They’re not even odds. They’re -185 offshore, and about -160 in Vegas. That’s a decent, but not yet prohibitive, favorite.
I missed the part where she retired from tri. I guess I dont race enough to know what the pros are up to....
while likely coasting to a ring
Sounds like you’re just a......sucker....for these creatures.
Offshores have GSW at -185. That’s just insane for a future’s prop bet.
Hey, Maker! Not having such a g’day, are yeh?
JFC, ESPN will be completely unwatchable for the next 3 days, or until Brian Windbag keels over from doing his 3,591st interview on what LeBron ate for breakfast.
His hair Like roofing tiles. That’
Armoun: Iran away from this bad situation. I wish to spend more time playing my Qatar and Iraq up points in Fortnite every day, and playing basketball. Oman, there is nothing better than lacing up my Jordans! I suppose I Kuwait it out and then rejoin the team, but my teammates wouldn’t take me Syria’ously.
His brother, Min Muncy, was leading the Mets in having the lowest OPS, HRs, and BBs on the team.
Oh the humidity!
After that outburst, it’s clear he must have The Nose of God.
The Royals ain’t signing this guy. Moore can say what he wants, but the crime is just too awful to overlook. It’d come up in every interview, at every level up the minor league ladder......
How is a goal-line stance going to be played? Dont both teams power into each other head-first? Can a DB or LB do a basketball-type “charge” move where he moves directly into a headfirst dive by the RB and takes the hit in order to draw a penalty?
After seeing this on Twitter, Schlenk did the Shim Shams slam dance.
Mo Bamba Mo Problems.
Or perhaps when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor...