Ostentatiously Polysyllabical

Checks the color of Nathan. Compares that to the color of Tyrod. Reviews common biases of Upper NYers with regard to colors. Understands Sean better.

So...I know almost nothing about prisons....but this guy is pretty much a dead guy walking once he’s in, right? Molesting young girls has to be pretty far down on the “street cred” rankings, I’d guess.

[Customer service] = what’s your name?

Does everyone have a fucking name? I thought mine was “oh god” for awhile. Then it changed to “done already?”

Jameis Winston grabbed her crotch while in her car in March 2016

Simidele Adeagbo is still in the hunt to qualify in the skeleton

He’s put himself on a petal-lined pedestal peddling pedal peccadilloes.

As long as you wash down the ‘chos with the Beast, a shot of Jack, some Natty, and Jungle Juice.

No Italy or United States? Somebody get Amanda Knox to comment!

Cops to cracker ratio of 6:1. Seems a bit excessive.

Her brother Han will take care of this for her.

After seeing the video, it looks like this was pilot error too. He’s flying this like a jabroni. Guessing he got just a bit too deep into a dive and couldn’t pull out. That’s 100% avoidable.

I too have put my experiences in a chest...usually after I give her a large wad of singles.

Here’s what’s more amazing about those pics: booze in Oz is expensive as shit. Every bottle of beer that you see is about $6-8 AUD. Even when purchased in a 6-pack, bottles average ~$7AUD.

What if Kap gets a call from Allan Houston? Does he play basketball?

More like MetLifeless, amirite?

The league makes money off it, and that’s all they care about anyway.”

Wow. I figured today there would be something different about the city.

Springer was a constant presence. Hinch never felt he had to give him the Hooke, as he provided so much potential energy to that clubhouse. Such a force he exerted.

they sent their signed document to the Bengals with the expectation that the Bengals would also sign it and forward it on to the league.