This verdict puts him only 1 Trump pardon away from the Pats 2017-18 roster...
This verdict puts him only 1 Trump pardon away from the Pats 2017-18 roster...
It’s statistically impossible to have lived more than 3.4 days in the U.S. during the months of May—Sept and not know what Cornhole is. I’ll assume you’re Danish.
I read this article, and all I can think is....LSU only beat SEMOStU by 4?
Has he pigeon-holed Fat Christie into deciding this?
I’m not understanding the math....a seven year old kid from a six year old relationship? Was there time travel involved?
The entire “NFL” is based on gambling. Try to log on to a betting site at 11:58 CDT and see what happens. The whole sport requires betting interest to survive.
As were Right’s, Isosceles’, and Equilateral’s later years, too.
You can buy salt that’s un-iodized? I’d expect your thyroid to go on strike after a week of that.
Wait....Jerry’s wife is named Gene? That’s not a feminine trait. Allele weird, ain’t it?
With Joe Buck doing the play-by-play
I’ll bet you a buck that he’ll grab some dough and hoof it over to the local Walmart to buy himself a new hoodie.
I’m confused why a no-bid situation is ripe for corruption. I would have thought multiple countries bidding would lead to greater corruption (read: bribes to win). If only one bid is available, who needs to be bribed?
The only possibly useful outcome of a race like this is to pre-race drench each runner in 100+ different types of pollen, in the hopes these runners may fertilize a few plants along the way.
Preeeeeeeeeeetty sure you cant get rid of prokaryotic organisms via fumigation.
I saw Garciaparra hole or two, and immediately thought, there’d be Nomar of those. And sure enough, an eagle. I felt like such a Hamm.
Wow...Bob Hope has really put on some weight...
Hard to believe a guy who gets all his money by being a complete bullshitter could be a total asshole in real life, too.
This is truly unbelievable. I had no idea the string between the 2 cans Kentuckians call a “phone” could stretch that far.
He’d better hope games don’t go into overtime, or he might be out past his curfew. A stern punishment of no cartoons, no footie pajamas will swiftly follow.