
Two more weeks, tops, until he starts calling everyone communists to deflect blame.

You’ve heard of Twitter.

It was so much fun listening to Smoltz and Buck act like Counsell was a genius for using his closer in the third inning, then slowly realize that he’d wasted his fucking closer in the third fucking inning. You just KNOW Buck was on the edge of an aneurysm when Puig flipped his bat and crotch chopped his way around the

I was only sorta watching, but the Viking’s kicker missed about 6 field goals, there were a bunch of odd penalties called throughout the game and Green Bay got the ball in overtime needing about 20 yards for a FG of their own. There were lots of reasons this game ended in a tie. This one play would have changed the

Yeah but Aaron Rodgers got hurt so the whole fucking league has to change.

Lets just call it what it is: The Aaron Rodgers is whining about getting tackled rule.

Kind of an old-timey use, it suggests like their asses are in the jackpot—as in part of what someone else will claim/ win. A not-great but colorful way of saying “our asses are on the line” in other words.

You don’t know the half of it, his chugging hand is also the blister hand.

That’s the kind of commitment needed if you want a Poolitzer.

Truly Foul Territory Helps Bums Win 4-3 Game By 2

Hey, there’s a crack in that Belle.

“No market that gives 50% off the top to payroll, at 2% per worker, favors owners.”

What A Depressing Offseason For All Those Fans Who Were Hoping Their Team Would Dedicate A First-Round Draft Pick And Ten Percent Of Payroll To Lock Up Mike “Not A Superstar, Just A Dude” Moustakas 

I think Goodell honestly just wants to know which of the two he should invest in.

aye, ding dongs - he’s talkin about Kyrie

That would’ve happened either way, though.

Finally a chance to throw batteries at someone’s head out of joy instead of anger.

he had to leave San Francisco because, he told reporters, “me libel vegan.”

Not to mention that was a ridiculously late tackle by Jack on that very same play. The refs let them play, outside of the questionable Cooks DPI thought they did a pretty good job

Say what you want about bad calls, but seriously with the ref “celebrating”? You could post the whole video where clearly he’s laughing while telling players to calm down and not start a fight.