
Likewise, this whole site is working overtime to pretend that Sandman never happened. 

Not only did you completely miss Dark, but, good lord, what did Sandman do to this site (and all of the sister sites) that you consistently pretend that it never happened?

My hope is that Johnathan Archer from the future comes in to save the day.

Absolutely - came here to say that ‘Bells of Notre Dame’ may be the best show opener of any Disney movie. 

I really want Archer to show up in the last episode and breath a sigh of relief that the last of the Temporal War shenanigans was foiled - that the threat of the whole ‘future’ with Picard and all the rest was finally culled from the many branches of potentiality.  ‘Oh, and fuck that Riker guy - even if he never

So much for not showing too much of the movie in your trailer.  Jeez - that was the whole story, yes?

I’ve not heard Ben Whitehead as Wallace - does he do an admirable job filling the seemingly unfillable shoes of Peter Sallis?

Only if his best friend/pet is named G’liath.

I wonder what the chances are of Doug Jones’ Saru actually being fully reintegrated into the show. Last season really felt that loss.

It centers the whole story around the male heir. That undercuts the powerful narrative of the women of Wakanda, articulating that their only truly important role is mother.

Doesn’t this scene undercut the way in which the movie really centered the women of Wakanda? It’s kind of like, ‘ok, and now a man is going to be back at the center of the story - just gotta age him up a bit and all will be back to ‘normal’’.

The movie is awesome - but it’s Elfman’s songs that stick in my head.  

Or, maybe, you could have some bloody patience, and enjoy the fact that this production isn’t racing through the world-building and character building. 

Hate to say that the only Tarzan movie I can remember from my growing-up years was the one with Bo Derek. 

I was thinking that exact same thing.  Best one by far. 

I loved The Last Jedi. Loved it. And I say this as someone who stood in line to see the original trilogy in the theatres. It is easily my favorite since Empire Strikes Back.

I’ve truly appreciated the time that you are giving to this conversation - that is something I’ve just not seen as of late around here.

Reviews of the episodes. I recognize that Netflix dumping all episodes at once makes this more difficult, but it is not impossible. A thoughtful examination of the details of each episode is a big reason why many of us have been frequenting this site for quite some time. We like the deep dives. We like combing through

Seems a really crappy send-off for Jodie - really undermines her time as Doctor.  

Yep.  Pretty much how comments sections work.