There are so few things that make being a Tigers fan ok - watching a player they salary-dumped NOT turn into a All-Star is one of them. Yep, that’s all we got nowadays. *sigh*
There are so few things that make being a Tigers fan ok - watching a player they salary-dumped NOT turn into a All-Star is one of them. Yep, that’s all we got nowadays. *sigh*
He is a bigoted Chauncey Gardner.
At this point the only thing that polls reveal is name recognition. Period. Theorizing beyond that at this stage is pure knavery.
They interviewed her on their show - and talked up her candidacy regularly, they also regularly encouraged listeners to work for her campaign and GOTV. Honestly, stop being so incredibly precious in your distaste for anything that doesn’t fit your narrative.
You notice that a good many of the critical comments are staying in the gray? Hmm. Seems someone may not appreciate their readers actually having an opinion that doesn’t quite fall in line.
Simple question - did the Splinter staff do the kind of grassroots organizing this election cycle that the Pod Save crowd did? You folks may disagree with them on specific policy points, but you cannot argue with the fact that they worked to get a lot of Democrats elected - Democrats all across the liberal spectrum,…
I don’t think I have ever disliked a coach as much as I dislike McCarthy. Should have been sacked years ago. Years.
Yes, Schumer should be pushed out. Amy Klobuchar or Kamala Harris would be much better in that job.
I would like to see them promote Craig Monroe to the booth. Gibby is ok, but Jack Morris, god bless him, is not good.
How in god’s name is McCarthy still coach? How? How is it possible to be so fucking mediocre when handed not one, but two, once-in-a-lifetime quarterbacks?
Likely because so much of the abandoned spaces have been scooped by rich assholes like Gilbert and the Ilitch family. They start by buying one parcel, letting it go to shit, driving down the value of surrounding land, then hoovering up everything in sight at cut-rate prices. Then they sit on the land until they come…
I find it curious that a certain B. Sanders is not on your list. He leads my nightmare parade, a cranky septuagenarian who hasn’t accomplished shit in his legislative life and desperately craves the adulation he received last time around (and lost to the person you put at the top of your list). Oh, yes, Sanders…
That 38-40 percent of the country still thinks this guy is a good president is the most soul-crushing thing in the world today.
Like the Red Sox before them, now that the Cubs have actually won a World Series, they are utterly insufferable knaves. At least when they were seemingly cursed, you felt an iota of sympathy for them. Now? Now they are just assholes with a predisposition to say assholish things because its all they have left.
Seems most of these people haven’t been using their sportswear for, well, sports, in quite some time.
Article #782 in a never-ending series of articles about the tantrum-throwing toddler named Leonard. Jeez, at this point, does he have any fans outside of his immediate family and desperate GMs?
Of course, Pogba does disappear for long stretches at a time at United. This can’t all be on Mourinho’s shoulders (not that his style helps, well, anyone, as of late). He has good games just often enough to remind everyone how talented he is, and then he fades into the turf for games on end.
Oh, honestly. In the face of global economic collapse and stalwart Republican opposition he managed to get a lot of great work done. Not everything, but a good start. Obama constantly reminded everyone that you can’t get everything done all at once - that governing is a ‘process’.