
Should someone tell Mr. Blest that one of the reasons that Gretchen Whitmer won last night was because of *gasp* unions? The same folks who helped kill the ghastly right-to-work knavery in Missouri? Maybe we can settle down on the whole progressive/centrist Sanders-driven ‘divide’ and recognize that Democrats can

Might want to give George Carlin credit for your clever bits.

This is how you think if you have eaten too much Papa Johns.  That has been scientifically proven. 

Kindly fuck off with your pearl-clutching ‘concern’. A clutch of local yahoo law-enforcement MAGA types decided to enforce a ludicrous law and you blame the dancer caught in their desire to be puritanical knaves. Bet you also blame asylum-seekers for their families getting ripped apart - ‘but, but, they should have

What did we do? *Checks Twitter* Ugh, there it is, Trump is still president. The baseball gods will continue to rain down ugliness and knavery on all of us until this situation is rectified. Word has it that all of the other sports gods pantheons will be joining. Looks like we could be in for some Hebrew Scripture

Time for LeBron to completely flummox everyone and go to Milwaukee. The rest of the league would be like a deer in the headlights.

I think a great many people would be far more sympathetic to Kawhi’s plight if he actually communicated what said plight happens to be. Make a clear statement about what it is that he is doing, and why, and then move forward. By playing this out the way he is, he is inviting criticism from all corners, and is screwing

She must be reduced to shitty Tim Allen flicks, late career Mel Gibson knavery, and James Woods cameos.

These people need to look up the term ‘self-differentiation’. May do them a world of good, and save them from a great deal of foolish angst. Might I also suggest they get a proper fucking sense of proportion.

My daughter stayed up to watch the game. I knew they won when her ‘YES!’ rattled the windowpanes.

As a part of his prison sentence, he should be made to listen to the victim’s testimonies every day for the rest of his miserable life. Every. Day.

Yep - I am with both of you on this.

Actually, this is a general comment about the judging. I have heard (from folks in the sport) of judges rendering judgement based on trends, and not the specific performance they just watched.

Wouldn’t figure skating be better off if the judges actually judged each competition in isolation? Shouldn’t you simply judge the performance that you are watching, and not base your scoring on some ephemeral notion of progress or decline over time? Would that not settle some of the unmitigated nonsense of the sport?

Here is a hint, Dick, lower your prices. With an average price of $112 (seventh highest in the NFL), not real shocking that you’ve got empty seats.

I am happy to go with the same age cutoff as papal elections - you cannot be elected if over 79.

Seems that this one is particularly salient when thinking about billionaire owners bleeding cities dry when it comes time for a new stadium: “Again, `Why does not the pope, whose wealth is today greater than the wealth of the richest Crassus, build this one basilica of St. Peter with his own money rather than with the

You are right. Its wrong. You are a fucking degenerate. You are the problem with the world today. Good god, what an asshole.

It doesn’t help that the tickets are just too expensive to make it worthwhile. Minimum $53 a ticket for bloody-nose seats makes it tough to pull the trigger on taking in a game. To actually see the game means at least $70. I would like to go see the Pistons play the Bucks next Friday, but not at that price.

Why do we keep lionizing the management of the Packers when they have had two of the greatest quarterback of all time, and have only managed to squeeze out two Super Bowls during their tenures?