
You do realize that there is a middle ground between “everything Marvel does is amazing” and “there’s some superhero fatigue so everything Marvel makes is an unsalvageable mess,” right? Yes, recently some things have been underwhelming (Quantumania, Secret Invasion), and some have underperformed (The Marvels), but

I’ll take Davies worship over the opposite, which seems to be Youtubers that decry all three 60th anniversary specials as focusing on a LGBT/political/woke agenda instead of just what they consider to be “good sci-fi”.

But jeez, the Davies worship is just excessive.”

God, if only the Whitaker years had been “Broadchurch but with aliens.” Broadchurch was consistently good.  I feel genuinely sorry for Chibnall: the thing he wanted to do most in the world turned out to be something that he was very bad at. I hope he’s got another downbeat police procedural left in him.

Sally sells sea shells by the Sea Thor. Coincidence? I think knot!

Marvels was great. Much more fun and decidedly less convoluted than Captain Marvel. Khamala Khan is a lightning bolt of charisma. There were laugh-out-loud funny scenes, musical numbers, and a villain that actually had legitimate beef. I can’t understand the pillorying it’s getting. My thought after watching it was,

Can we stop with the bizarre hang-wringing about The Marvels? Look at how apologetic the writers are about labeling it disappointing. “Perhaps no other film had a steeper road to climb this year than The Marvels,” it begins, unconvincingly. Then it blames the rest of the MCU (despite literally every MCU movie doing

When they’re cribbing from Thor, they’re taking the best part from the worst movie, I’ll give them that.

The first one is more Underwater Black Panther, honestly.

Yeah, Wet Thor pretty much.

“Underwater Thor” lol

I used to think Michael Bay was the worst director, but at least he had the self awareness to know he was making high concept schlock. He always knew he was a hack, and was okay with that.

I think the issue for a lot of people is that none of this needed to happen?

Should have Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

That really is the true tragedy of Discovery isn’t it? Saru is such a beautiful character stuck in such a waste of the story.

Don’t forget the part where it turns out that Michael Burnham is the only one who can technobabble the MacGuffin, as the crew made up of cyborg lady, that one guy, and those other two who I’m sure have names but the show doesn’t seem to care about, make faces while sitting on the bridge. And all the while Saru is

I’m not sure how you walk out of In Bruges thinking it was a comedy or that it was a comedic role.  He said some funny things, but it’s a dramatic, visceral, tragic film.  

Clooney and the Coens remind me, Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading.  Or the tandem of David Rasche and JK Simmons.

What else doesn’t make a lick of sense is that IO9 once again offers series analysis from a writer who admits mid-article that they haven’t seen the show.

Marvel’s obsession with committing genocide over and over again is more than a bit unsettling at this point. With how often its come up its seeming like the message that Marvel is trying to send is less ‘genocide bad’ more ‘minorities aren’t allowed nice things and if you start to get happy we’ll kill you all off’.