
I mean, I’m all in if they are going to give the Enterprise crew a proper send-off. Give them a great story that stands on its own with that crew, and nobody else from other shows, you know, unlike the actual bloody series finale.

Rose wasn’t a thing during Davies run?  Huh. 

So, when Moffat created puzzle-box companions, it was bad. But now that Davies is doing, it’s good?

I’m likely very late to this realization (my apologies, haven’t been paying that much attention to the DCU) - so, these movies are just underwater Thor movies?

Some of this is just the cyclical nature of comic book storytelling - you sometimes get bad runs. Of course, you can get away with that with monthly comic books. You hit a bad run, you boot the creative team, you start fresh. That’s much tougher to do with the movies. That said, it is what needs to happen.

I’d still take Moffat over RTD. He was a much stronger writer, he (most often) tacked away from the overt goofiness or angstiness of Davies, and he turned both Smith and Capaldi into fascinatingly different Doctors. I wish he had stayed on for Jodie, she would have benefited from his stories and vision.

Yep - getting rid of RTD (again) would absolutely be a step in the right direction. Chibnall was a ghastly mistake (he just didn’t seem to ever figure out how to write a Doctor Who story), but turning back the clock is the wrong choice. I think a few too many (especially those writing Doctor Who articles here), have

They could have run this exact storyline with Jodie’s doctor. I’m sorry, but bringing in Tennant for such a short run, as a ‘new’ doctor, just felt like RTD was pissing on her run, perhaps pissing on the whole run since he left as showrunner.

We’ve gotten one good story (Wild Blue Yonder) and one ‘meh’ story (the Star Beast - I mean, c’mon, that was mid-Chibnall level writing). I think you are allowing your love of RTD era Dr. Who to overwhelm your ability to really grasp why it is that folks are looking for something a bit more than just a return to that

I am very much looking forward to watching this - because, well, I’m clearly in the minority, I thought the ‘Star Beast’ was...almost fine?

Kitty Pryde must be on the team.  She is a great character, a particularly good audience surrogate, and has more skills than just her phasing ability (general intelligence, leadership abilities, very good with computers).  She’s got to be in. 

Did it seem like this article forgot to actually address the content of its headline? I mean, more than the vague notion that there will be some form of connection between the new run and potential movies?

Just remember - if someone is reviewing a program on this site (or I09) that doesn’t immediately conform to their pre-conceived notions of what should be, they will not like it.  Across the board contrarianism is the raison d’etre around here.

Is the rest of the article missing?  Because this is...succinct.

The big question is whether it is worth it to give this show another try.

The biggest problem? It looks terrible - and having that galloping bit of terribleness at the beginning of your show isn’t great, it hurts everything that follows (not in a major way, but bad imagery lingers as much as good imagery).

I recognize that adapting the first book, especially, would be difficult (due to being a collection of stories published serially), but honestly - this really shouldn’t be called Foundation. It waved at the idea and then left it behind pretty quickly, which is disappointing (if not unsurprising).

It just feels a grim slog - a churning out of another anti-hero asshole with the belief that it is some trenchant commentary on the modern situation. It isn’t, it’s just another asshole character with no redeeming value and little to say other than what you can hear from the ‘well, actually’ trolls online.

I’m really looking forward to this - even as it’s likely to be a bit of a soft reboot. I don’t think the tenor will change much at all - it’s hard to make a show with Daredevil, the Punisher, and Kingpin anything other than gritty.

Oh, good lord. Who has actually been cancelled? I mean that - who has lost any kind of audience or market share because of the cruelty or bigotry of their positions? Not just losing ‘a’ show, or one particular venue that asked them to give them a pass - but an actual cancelling of their career and opportunities (you