
Likely because so much of the abandoned spaces have been scooped by rich assholes like Gilbert and the Ilitch family. They start by buying one parcel, letting it go to shit, driving down the value of surrounding land, then hoovering up everything in sight at cut-rate prices. Then they sit on the land until they come

I find it curious that a certain B. Sanders is not on your list. He leads my nightmare parade, a cranky septuagenarian who hasn’t accomplished shit in his legislative life and desperately craves the adulation he received last time around (and lost to the person you put at the top of your list). Oh, yes, Sanders

That 38-40 percent of the country still thinks this guy is a good president is the most soul-crushing thing in the world today.  

Someday, I want this gif to be true.  

Like the Red Sox before them, now that the Cubs have actually won a World Series, they are utterly insufferable knaves. At least when they were seemingly cursed, you felt an iota of sympathy for them. Now? Now they are just assholes with a predisposition to say assholish things because its all they have left.

Seems most of these people haven’t been using their sportswear for, well, sports, in quite some time.

Article #782 in a never-ending series of articles about the tantrum-throwing toddler named Leonard. Jeez, at this point, does he have any fans outside of his immediate family and desperate GMs?

Of course, Pogba does disappear for long stretches at a time at United. This can’t all be on Mourinho’s shoulders (not that his style helps, well, anyone, as of late). He has good games just often enough to remind everyone how talented he is, and then he fades into the turf for games on end.  

Oh, honestly. In the face of global economic collapse and stalwart Republican opposition he managed to get a lot of great work done. Not everything, but a good start.  Obama constantly reminded everyone that you can’t get everything done all at once - that governing is a ‘process’.  

Should someone tell Mr. Blest that one of the reasons that Gretchen Whitmer won last night was because of *gasp* unions? The same folks who helped kill the ghastly right-to-work knavery in Missouri? Maybe we can settle down on the whole progressive/centrist Sanders-driven ‘divide’ and recognize that Democrats can

Might want to give George Carlin credit for your clever bits.

This is how you think if you have eaten too much Papa Johns.  That has been scientifically proven. 

Kindly fuck off with your pearl-clutching ‘concern’. A clutch of local yahoo law-enforcement MAGA types decided to enforce a ludicrous law and you blame the dancer caught in their desire to be puritanical knaves. Bet you also blame asylum-seekers for their families getting ripped apart - ‘but, but, they should have

What did we do? *Checks Twitter* Ugh, there it is, Trump is still president. The baseball gods will continue to rain down ugliness and knavery on all of us until this situation is rectified. Word has it that all of the other sports gods pantheons will be joining. Looks like we could be in for some Hebrew Scripture

Time for LeBron to completely flummox everyone and go to Milwaukee. The rest of the league would be like a deer in the headlights.

I think a great many people would be far more sympathetic to Kawhi’s plight if he actually communicated what said plight happens to be. Make a clear statement about what it is that he is doing, and why, and then move forward. By playing this out the way he is, he is inviting criticism from all corners, and is screwing

She must be reduced to shitty Tim Allen flicks, late career Mel Gibson knavery, and James Woods cameos.

These people need to look up the term ‘self-differentiation’. May do them a world of good, and save them from a great deal of foolish angst. Might I also suggest they get a proper fucking sense of proportion.

My daughter stayed up to watch the game. I knew they won when her ‘YES!’ rattled the windowpanes.

As a part of his prison sentence, he should be made to listen to the victim’s testimonies every day for the rest of his miserable life. Every. Day.