Yep - I am with both of you on this.
Yep - I am with both of you on this.
Actually, this is a general comment about the judging. I have heard (from folks in the sport) of judges rendering judgement based on trends, and not the specific performance they just watched.
Wouldn’t figure skating be better off if the judges actually judged each competition in isolation? Shouldn’t you simply judge the performance that you are watching, and not base your scoring on some ephemeral notion of progress or decline over time? Would that not settle some of the unmitigated nonsense of the sport?
Here is a hint, Dick, lower your prices. With an average price of $112 (seventh highest in the NFL), not real shocking that you’ve got empty seats.
I am happy to go with the same age cutoff as papal elections - you cannot be elected if over 79.
Seems that this one is particularly salient when thinking about billionaire owners bleeding cities dry when it comes time for a new stadium: “Again, `Why does not the pope, whose wealth is today greater than the wealth of the richest Crassus, build this one basilica of St. Peter with his own money rather than with the…
You are right. Its wrong. You are a fucking degenerate. You are the problem with the world today. Good god, what an asshole.
It doesn’t help that the tickets are just too expensive to make it worthwhile. Minimum $53 a ticket for bloody-nose seats makes it tough to pull the trigger on taking in a game. To actually see the game means at least $70. I would like to go see the Pistons play the Bucks next Friday, but not at that price.
Why do we keep lionizing the management of the Packers when they have had two of the greatest quarterback of all time, and have only managed to squeeze out two Super Bowls during their tenures?
McCarthy is overly defensive when trying to explain something football related? I am shocked! Shocked! How did we get stuck with this maroon for so damned long?
Would love to see George W. and Obama issue a joint statement telling Trump to shove it.
Joe Callahan. The guy they have dumped before. Whew, I am feeling so much better.
Right, because why would you need a back-up quarterback. That’s just crazy talk.
So, with Rodgers going down today, the best way for the NFL to show that they aren’t colluding would be for the Packers to sign him tomorrow. Seems a win-win for Kaepernick. Of course, the Packers do need him, so maybe they would do the right thing?
Damn. Does this mean I actually have to start watching ESPN again?
Of course, every argument Abernathy has coughed up on the pages of the Post has been lazy and flimsy. Abernathy has yet to reach the hallowed heights of the craft that is routinely hit by a high school journalist.
You have the snappy patter of the Fox-watching corner bar-stool drunk down pat. Well played! You get a star!
If the Ellison-Perez match-up is a proxy fight, wherein we get to play in the primary mud again, why not simply avoid it? Go with South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg - the guy has a great plan, excellent organizational skills, is clearly progressive, and is as Midwestern as it gets.
You start counting on the Lions to win, this is what you get.