
Looks like a Delorian banged a hatchback.

I can’t speak for The Left ... but from the perspective of most independents, *you* guys are just as bad as Trump. At the time of the last election, there was a completely arguable case that leaving you a-holes in charge could actually be worse. That’s why Hillary lost ... because America *hates* you.

Clearly you didn’t experience 2008's Obama vs. Hillary online supporter death match. This one has been downright civil.

Well, thanks for all the hard work. Miss the site.

Thing is, all of that crap will still serve as points offered up ad-nauseam from various talking heads. There is just one less venue to debate and rebut the silly messaging now.

Honestly, Deadspin was great even when sticking to sports.

Problem with your premise is that standing up doesn’t really get you off the plane any quicker. You still have to wait for all the other rows in front of you to get out. Also ... by the time people are are already on a flight there isn’t any more checking bags ... that is already well past security check-points.

Holy crap. You *are* a total herb.

Counterpoint: you are a herb.

That aligns with the fact that Trump himself was apparently playing golf when the raid went down.

Condemning Spanfeller is great and all ... but what good is having a union if all the G/O employees who aren’t immediately impacted just sit by and watch their colleagues get gutted?

Oh, that’s nonsense. What happened was someone new basically un-grayed anyone who commented for the first couple of weeks the site was live. So eventually a *crapton* of trolls were making everything a mess.

Technically, it was a programming error in Canada too. According to the article, it happened because F1 didn’t properly define the lap-counting process for local officials.

Climbing 5.8 is generally considered novice-level.

Thinking about it more, something is confusing me here. Why are owners having to fix this out of their own pocket?

Thing is, we’ve been making cars with MCUs for a long damn time now. A vehicle’s MCU simply isn’t typically one of these parts ... for a host of reasons that, frankly, should be obvious.

Shouldn’t this be a product of operating hours, not necessarily how old a vehicle is? Intuitively it seems like the problem would have less impact for a vehicle with less mileage.

Thing with a software fix is that it won’t undo any damage that has already been done. Even if a unit hasn’t failed yet, the memory will have still accumulated excessive wear.

Thing is, it’s increasingly hard to shake the strong sense that the only reason he isn’t an “Uncle Tom” is because the NBA hasn’t demanded he play that role.

“Rightfully” in so much as it was a colony of the UK (with citizens enjoying full commonwealth benefits) that was “handed back” to China in a deal between the nations without a lick of input from the citizens who were told they would go from being British to being Chinese. I’m not sure any government has an inherent