
Problem is that the “shareholders from China” just happen to be the exact same “shareholders from China” who are busy enforcing a Hong Kong speech ban over in the NBA too.

Turns out 90% of my stuff is made in Hong Kong. Importing goods produced under questionable work conditions is not remotely similar to an American company enforcing Chinese speech codes on American citizens ... on American soil.

The Chinese market is indeed huge ... but that’s not why Tencent is so big.

They may not ultimately do what folks here want, but the NBA *is* going to have to do something more than they have.

The rules suck.

Interesting blow-back from the Christian Right on this.

You aren’t wrong ... but in at least this instance the hypocrisy is focused in a way that advances my own immediate objectives.

Pretty sure that’s Adderall.

Screw that. You are proposing we allow Trump to normalize 20 years of horrible BS.

Whoa. You read Gateway Pundit? I’m sorry. I guess someone has to.

You would think he would at least read ...

I thought this would be the outcome at first. But now it looks like Pence is a serious dumb-ass too and let Trump suck him in to criminal schemes. So Trump has set the GOP up to make it damn hard to replace himself with Pence ... who has apparently done the exact same illegal things as Trump.

I get a sense that Bill Taylor may have done some of his explicit texts to create a documentation trail on purpose. He seemed pretty shocked by the whole situation - threatened to quit even. It feels like sort of a CYA move on his part.

Gee. Some readers of Splinter disagree with you mindlessly parroting Hamilton Nolan? Yeah. That’s totally shocking. Are you new? Lol. 

Only thing we can do is wait and see I guess. Hopefully we find out sooner rather than later ... as that would imply at least Trump is gone.

It’s ... still an airplane, dude.

If they just cram some crew capsules in the cargo bay, wouldn’t that eliminate any escape contingency in the event of catastrophic failure?

First off, I’ll just observe you can imagine all sorts of stuff ... that doesn’t necessarily make it real. I mean, imagine if one of them got a nuclear bomb!

Bullshit. If a whistleblower doesn’t have a powerful patron they are screwed. Period. Full stop.

Whistleblowers are protected when powerful patrons have a vested interest served by protecting the whistleblower (without hurting any of the patron’s other interests).