
I saw this and while my first reaction to Kim K was “stay in your lane, we have enough narcissistic assholes in this profession already,” I have to admit that my secondary and more insistent reaction was, “settle down, anyone who has heard that woman talk for more than four seconds knows for a fact that there is no

If it isn’t on the bill, you don’t owe it. File this under - reasons US tipping culture should be eliminated.

Where was the nearest cop, found them.

As much as I like the premise of a mystery crime thriller about big pharma going after a rapper promoting Hotep and Hotep-adjacent theories, I am just shook that Nipsey was gunned down at his own place of business. He was doing what he could to give back, raise a family, and educate the youth, and then....this. This

He claimed to have “cured” AIDS, cancer, sickle-cell, herpes, etc. If even one of those was even remotely true; he’d have been richer than Bezos and not advertising in backpage newspaper ads.

For all of the people I’ve heard talk about “Dr.” Sebi, I’ve never seen any actual evidence of him helping anyone with his quackery. As far as I’m concerned, he was on some Super Size Me bullshit and people took it as gospel 🤦🏾‍♂️

Sebi is a quack and this is a conspiracy theory. Nipsey did wonderful things for his community and he deserves more respect than connecting nonexistent dots between a doc about a fake doctor and a model citizen

Now playing

This woman can’t go away quickly enough. No idea why so many of her so-called peers are giving her so much slack. She’s bad and a bad person.

Megan Kelly on The Today Show, which my grandfather, who fought in WWII, used to watch, makes me want to barf.

It used to be Stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, and ugly “modern” light fixture TV.

Sorry - but I think OCTV (Open Concept TV) covers the network as a whole better than SSTV. Maybe we could get a ruling? Square footage covered by S&S vs. square footage of walls torn down? Gotta bring the twins and all the other flippers into it though.

I’m just fine with one less show that’s about finding a home for a couple who explains, “I’m the night manager at a Denny’s, and my wife works three days a week at a pre-school. The budget for our first home is $2.1 million.”

I’ve never witnessed such hatred for a man who is willing to work to make his country a better place. It is pathological- the way James Woods et al have treated Barack Obama.

I would think James Woods has made himself unemployable, so it may be a moot point for him to retire.

Any Mark_the_Bold who thinks he’s funny is a fucktard fuckface fuckyton.

In certain segments of the country, the republican party could probably run a farm animal and win. Still, the democrats should at least try to beat her. I think that the democrats should support a candidate running as an “independent” rather than a “democrat” (and run no one as a “democrat”) in jurisdictions in which

So do it because it is in your heart. Some may see it as performative ally-ship but to those people I ask “Why is it better for white people to wait and let POC take all the risks? Isn’t that part of the fucking problem?”

Shame on Colbert and the Emmy’s for this. This douchebag shouldn’t get a redemption tour.

If white liberals ever wonder why minorities are so hard on their “allies” at times, this is the PERFECT example of why that is.

Not gonna lie, the Beyonce stans are doing a little too much. SURE, Bey will eventually release a makeup line too. SURE SURE SURE. Get over the fact that Queen Rih did it first.