
The white supremacists that Trump and Sessions and the GOP are catering to view immigration by brown people as a hostile takeover. Do you not know this? Did you miss Trump’s declaration that Mexicans are sending rapists and violent criminals to the United States? Did you miss how he won the election by promising to

I agree with what you are saying, but I am not speaking about political goals here. The white minority will retain power and wealth long after they are no longer the majority for reasons you mentioned and many others. I’m speaking specifically about the people who believe that making America great again necessitates

DC itself leans heavily blue. Which is why Republicans don’t want it to become a state.

As a DC-adjacent ginger, are you saying I have to be a civilian AND have a soul to evacuate? Because that’s some anti-gingerist nonsense otherwise!

Where is the lie.

Sessions’ racial agenda has been clear from day one. But tbf, he can’t help his racism since he’s possessed by the ghost of a dead confederate general.

They’re not going to deport nearly enough people. They just want to terrorize everyone who is here. And they want to make citizens like me feel like this is not our country, like we don’t matter. This is about terrorizing some of us and demoralizing the rest.

Unfortunately, voting alone won’t do it. Voting + gerrymandering reform is what we really need. I know that Arnold Schwartzenegger isn’t everyone’s favorite person, but I can’t emphasize too much how important it is to get people on board with this.

These are also people who paid into SS and taxes knowing they’d never see any of it. It will cost this country BILLIONS in lost revenue.

The thing is, NONE OF HIS PEOPLE WILL CARE. That’s what pisses me off the most - he is showing people his ass and they will continue to throw cash at him because... Jesus? I don’t even know. I was raised atheist and converted to Judaism as an adult and I’m basically an atheist Jew now and religion confuses me 99% of

How about calling local media and saying “WE’RE OPEN IF ANYONE NEEDS SHELTER! PLEASE DIRECT PEOPLE TO COME HERE” Get on Twitter & FB and let people know.

I think the people reading this website have already figured out Ivanka is just a dumb ineffectual bitch who benefits off of her racist, sexist, asshole father by pretending to be above it all. Let her burn. I want to see her lose everything and I want to see her little plastic surgery nose and cheekbones fall

Seriously, wtf is it with TS hate? She’s freaking 28 years old, she’s coming into herself as a person. And yeah, she’s channelling a different aspect of her personality. May I remind everyone that at her age Beyonce introduced Sasha Fierce?

I’ve never gotten why she went with short hair.

I love really short hair. I have dreams about the day I lose enough weight to rock a pixie cut without looking like a marble perched on a beach ball. (I have a really small head.)

I mean, I thought that was all agreed upon that he fucked up in a major way (pretty sure it was over the affair and possibly talking to the women at the MET gala), Solange beat his ass, and Beyonce believed he deserved it. Because she was all like “don’t mess up my dress” and then left the party with her sister, not

Have you tried being a white male? I hear that goes over well in interviews.