
Update: it’s unanimous now, they all resigned.

That’s it, I am buying stock right now in popcorn. All the popcorn companies.

Heather Heyer died because Nazi scum has NOT died out. She died trying to eliminate that scourge. Fuck this asshole for saying that someone like her is the problem. Just. Fuck him.

To put things in perspective. I’m a Jew, I’m an Israeli, the neo nazis scums in Virginia hate me and my country. But they belong to the past. Their breed is dying out,” the 26-year-old Netanyahu said.

Im advocating for it. I am calling for it.


It’s only been 7 months. This seriously needs to stop. And to all of the people claiming that Trump is the lesser of two evils or that he and Hillary were the same....

It’s not about credit it’s about doing the right thing. White people you don’t get “credit” for treating POC like human beings or standing up for what is right. That is what is decent and morally correct. To treat us like the equal human beings we are. We are supposed to congratulate you for that? What the fuck? Do

I already posted this on another thread but I’ll post it here too.

This was what these fuckers were saying last night (from the Daily Stormer):

The next time someone wonders why The Root’s writers and commenters are just so gosh darn mean to white people on Jez’s SNS, read that David Duke tweet. There’s your fucking answer.

“The Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are repulsive and evil, and all of us have a moral obligation to speak out against the lies, bigotry, ant-semitism, and hatred that they propagate,” Cruz said in a statement.

He’s literally more willing to stupidly talk shit about the leader of his own Senate majority than he is to denounce Nazis or Putin.

It’s, surprising to see Rubio calling this terrorism.

Call out Obama for not calling it Radical Islamic terrorism whenever that kind of hate doesn’t represent all muslims, but when it’s a white supremacist rally that getzs violent (as of it was ever not going to, and yes that kind violence does represent all white supremacists), now it’s the time for nuanced conversation?

Thank you. My entire comment history before The Root went live on GMG was just me bashing white whiners on Jez.

“OMG, I can’t believe this is America!”
“How is this happening in 2017?!?!?!”

Please go away. I’m actually completely ok with you staying away from the Root. We could do without white nonsense. If you honestly can’t understand why whining about how much the commentariat at a black culture and news site is mean to you as a white person, when a group of white supremacists have literally assaulted

Fuck that thread. Remembering all those names. Flame them when you have the chance.

That’s because this shit is as real to them as Game of Thrones and Hunger Games.