
Look at the Donald trump cosplayers

I’m a Southerner, born and bred, and these people are fucking appalling. The Confederates were not American soldiers and every last one of the leaders of the secessionist movement were traitors.

I’m pretty sure that my car insurance payments are going to cover accidents caused by drunk driving.

“For a state that pisses itself about any possibility of federal interference, it is sure eager to finger-fuck every municipal decision within it’s boundaries.”

“Republican State Rep. John Smithee is the biggest proponent of the bill, and during the debate he claimed that not only did he believe it was morally wrong for him to pay for an abortion....”

Is WWII on the list of things they don’t teach in schools now? Don’t think so, but it’s hard to keep up. I know a lot of American history classes that only got up to the end of WWII and even more people who might not make the inference that no nukes in Japan would be part of any kind of peace treaty. Not to mention

Totally rolled my eyes at “that’s my only hat”. I find it hard to believe a millionare who’s family is made of accessories owns one hat.

But she didn’t want to mess up her hair in the convertible, so she happened to pick up the hat, which happened to be her only hat.

Wait is roller skating coming back? In the “Fridays at Skateland, all going in the same direction, then stopping to do the hokey pokey, asking the DJ to play the Flintstones theme song remix” sense? Because if so my weekends just got a whole lot better.

Please get rid of the hat.

Sorry, but you’re wrong about this, and that perspective actively contributes to violence against trans women. Trans people are not the status quo by a long shot for the vast majority of the population. Until public perception changes, you can’t approach it the way you’re describing.

I’m sorry, that’s fucking ridiculous. I don’t care whether you want to call it transphobia, but some men do not want, are not prepared, are mentally not there, whatever, to have sex with a trans woman. Of course, that is never a justification to commit violence against another, or disrespect that person, and maybe

Ok, so ill make sure I ask all of my dates if they where born as a woman. Just to make sure there is no deception.

So you are saying deception is OK as long as no one asks? That it is not deception if she is passing enough that I don’t think to ask? That is some pretty shady thinking.

This is a measured comment and you’re still gonna get a lot of shit for it. I agree that you should disclose that kind of info to your sex partners. I know I would appreciate the opportunity to make an informed decision and decide if I want to sleep with a trans man or not. This desire to know has nothing to with

I agree with most of what you said, but I also agree with Non Sleeping Giant that ‘tricking’ a man into believing you’re a cis woman when you’re not would be incredibly dangerous and foolish...just not worth the risk. It’s easy to imagine, however, how a lack of communication could result in a very awkward

If neither of them mentioned it

This comment isn’t about this particular incident. I don’t know who Bobby Valentino is (when I read the title I immediately though of Bobby Valentine, former MLB Manager). Maybe this guy specifically sought out a transgender sex worker, maybe he didn’t. The following comment is simply on how society is going to

As far as I’m concerned your brother has already well earned a place in this country. Fuck these assholes for what they are doing to this country.

Do you want angry foreign disidents? Because this is how you get angry foreign disidents.