“wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors”
“wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors”
Gotta represent!
I don’t even get why when I star something it ungreys it but ok.
Are you fucking kidding me? WTF North Carolina.
Yea, sane constitutional law professor = politically incompetent reality star
Damn it Cheney 2.0
The fact that any person of color has to fear for their life is so FUCKING sad. Like seriously. Fuck.
She can see it from her house!
It was a MEXICAN~
I love how Tapper calls people out on their shit. Love him
Lmao thank God for the Pepes.
Lol I love that gif! I wonder where Bern was running to.
Not sure if troll or not....
“Donald Trump—a Chipotle burrito taken to its natural, digested conclusion”
His face just fits perfectly with the attitude of the single ladies’ dance
I feel like this gif accurately sums up Obama’s presidency. Love it!