
A bit of advice for you: “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt”. 

She came to the Royal family with money she earned from her work and estimated $5 million, most woman come into the family with no money of their own outside of inheritance, why are all the other women who married into this family not considered to be gold diggers.

Seriously. I’m not getting the hate.

Yes, exactly. What has she done? That was my original question to you. 

The “simply because” is hilarious. How incredibly disingenuous of you. The only thing you’re putting out there is jealousy and baseless contempt.

I don’t need to argue with you. Your post speaks for itself. You didn’t lay down anything solid. You showed that you have no compassion or empathy for her, as a human being, and what could I say to change that? 

lol k

Please tell us all of the things that have led to your belief that Meghan is an attention seeking gold digger.

Apparently they’ll be racist, no matter what she does

Except she’s still the duchess of Sussex. The only titles they’re no longer going to use are the HRH.

Uhhh....ok sure.

The Crusty Claudettes of Britain will be in their feelings about this till the end of time and they can sit with Can't Miss an Opportunity to Shit on Some Black Women Brigade. Cause whatever happens he still didn't choose them or care about their  pperspectives.

Well, she’s not wrong about how the show has changed... problem is, it doesn’t matter who the FANS like or dislike, it’s the fact that not one single person in the cast and crew knows how to deal with Ronnie’s domestic-abuse issues (both as the abuser and the abused person). Continuing to make it a plotline - and

No one cares about your boner

“I’m going to resort to sexism to go along with my racism because I’m gay and cannot tell my friends.”

I can understand yang still staying in the game because he’s the meme candidate and that can take you far, but gabbard’s persistence just confuses me.

Really? BIDEN is the reason Obama set the popular vote record in 2008?

BlackMage didn’t say that at all... 

Disgustingly ironic that the same xenophobic, bigoted assholes that feel this way about humanitarian aid to immigrants are the same bible humping hypocrites that want intelligent design taught in schools and the ten commandments outside of government buildings. If there is a hell (which, no, there isn’t; unless you

Hey! Don’t be speaking ill of Uncle Ben. He taught Spider-Man about great responsibility.