
I said basically the same thing as you, but I’m in the grays so I’ll reiterate it here - he might commit suicide because of this.

“They kidnap. They extort. They rape and they rob. They stomp on their victims,” he said. “They beat them with clubs, they slash them with machetes, and they stab them with knives. They have transformed peaceful parks and beautiful quiet neighborhoods into bloodstained killing fields. They’re animals.”

Uh, yeah going after “liberal” states on education deficiencies is pretty damn stupid. I am fairly certain CA outperforms states like Alabama and Mississippi aka Trump Country.

I have a friend on FB who is friends (who identifies as an ‘ally’) with a Rabid Trump Supporter. She’s a White Hispanic chick who posts thinly veiled racist imagery, support our troops, gun toting, Pence/Trump loving dirt bag. She proudly called herself a deplorable. This friend of mine is gay and lives in West

While it does look nothing like Beyonce, it does look more human than many other wax figures I’ve seen.

Thank you for proving their point so effortlessly

Supreme and unwarranted confidence and a lack of self-awareness... those traits sound so familiar. Do you work in the WH?

lol stupid fuck

Holy fuck do the people who tighten the straps on your jacket before they tuck you in know where you are?

God, I’m glad they didn’t go that route. That would be peak magic negro! The magic negro slave to do Alladin’s bidding! There is a reason the original genie was a black man and it’s not a good reason. Notice how in these movies the black man is always some magical creature(Shrek, Mulan and now this) Heard but never

In other Trump news, the Don Jr scandal is the gift that keeps on giving.

Yes. I clearly no have kids. I have a quiet and simple life (or I strive for it).

Busted. I don’t do dinner parties. I have a small place anyway. It’s more of come over for take out or let’s eat on paper plates kind of house. Better yet, a restaurant.

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I feel like there are 3 people who get tiny houses.

A 0,25 second search :)

What depths of the internet did you have to go to to find this gif?

*whispers* I...I kind of like it...

Unsurprised. Who the fuck has time to sit around all day watching people hawk shit for endless minutes on the off-chance you might actually want something?

On one hand it’s pretty disappointing that people would refer to their core client base in such a “charming” term, but on the other hand, I’ll take it since it means HSN is pretty much the only place decent designer diffusion lines that go through plus sizes. I delight in buying Naeem Khan off the rack for buckets of