
I like whales. Fat shame away, but let’s not compare him to a smart caring creature like a whale.

**standing ovation**

Fuck it, I’ll fat shame his shameful ass too...

There’s probably a technicality there involving the relative gravitational pulls of Christie and the sun.

This. At this point I would appreciate if every reporter asked every person defending Trump, “And how would you feel if President Obama did this?”

If Hillary had won, they would have started them before she was sworn in.

The Trumpanzees certainly weren’t saying it was just a joke when Kathy Griffin had that fake Cheeto head. The hypocrisy is astounding.

Obama, Dubya, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, LBJ...every president in my lifetime would have easily kicked the living hell out of pudgy Daffy Don in thirty seconds or less. That jowly, meaty-breasted, dough-bellied wide-rumped weirdo would go down like a bag of mashed potatoes after one solid shot,

And the Trumpanzees are all “lol can’t you take a joke” about it. God, their hypocrisy is astounding. This is how they win though. Screech like stuck pigs when anything at all happens to them. But then gaslight the fuck out of everyone when they do something that is just as bad, but most times WORSE.

I’m a Brazilian. Few countries in the Western hemisphere are in a more politically troubled situation as us right now (Venezuela being the only one to come from the top of my mind)...

You might not be. I’m good.

Well then everything is coming up Trump for you.

Even the “positive” reviews (entirely from Christian news outlets), that if you read between the lines, tacitly admits the movie sucks, but they still gave it a thumbs up because, Jeeeeezus.

Oh, hey — you’ll never guess what was waiting in my mailbox when I got home the other night:

Lucky you. My inlaws are VERY private about their politics, but when they do mention current events, they almost always mention the fox news talking point version.

No, just those of us making less that 200k/yr.

Seriously though: seeing as this bill is essentially the same as Obamacare, just a lot weaker, was the Republican’s only objection to the ACA that it helped too many poo people?

They really do hate all of us.

No, you moron. Because those people didn’t consent to have their photos all over the internet, because it’s upsetting for their friends and family, and because most of us with any empathy at all are capable of visualising the horror without seeing graphic photos. Go fuck yourself with a rusty eggwhisk.

I’d love for there to be a measure between “ban all the Muslims!” and “let everyone into the country!” Like, can’t the UK make sure they’ve successfully integrated people into the country before adding more people? Or at least build enough affordable housing for the people already there?