
I don’t know what anyone can do to stop all this shit, but I do feel confident that that bloated sack of pig feces in the Whiter House will only make it worse. If I manage to live through this regime, I hope that history views it as a fucking neofascist shithole.

I’ve been making it a point to read and find out more of each of the victims as they are named. I was reading through Martyn Hett’s twitter, a young man who tragically was lost, and he gave me an unexpected laugh this morning:

Ugh. Here, have some Justin Trudeau exercise pics as a palate cleanser.

Unintentionally appropriate though. Bet Trump would enjoy himself immensely in an SS playground.

Have men ever had to try on the red carpet? It’s good to be reminded Depp always dressed like an elderly gay windchime.

Nobody else thinks that’s pretty fucking racist though? Like, there might be a few children of billionaires in that crowd, why not?

I know this is a wildly unpopular opinion, and please go easy on me, but - seeing things like this just makes me sad. I am sad that I live in this country. I am sad that these graduates’ commencement was ruined. It is apparent to me that anger has not yet replaced my fear and sadness.

Every goddamn time I see a picture of her, I want to slap her stupid horsey smile and her sperm shaped eyebrows right off of her face.

Those kids gave me so much hope for the future in this shitfest present.

Out of curiosity, I went over to Fox news main page yesterday. Out of twenty or so articles, only one (by Krauthammer) even hinted at maybe something fishy going on. The rest were all pro-firing including one that said something like “We absolutely must find someone from outside the corrupt FBI to replace him”...

I haven’t watched TDS in a while, mostly due to trying to be asleep by 11, so I dunno how Trevor Noah is doing. How is he doing? I remember he was slow to find his feet initially, but this administration should be giving him plenty to work with...

If Donald Trump isn’t trying to “The Producers” his presidency I’ll be damned. Saying the most idiotic and disgusting things on the campaign trail didn’t work, apparently. He has to go to Plan B.

Doubt it. He owes Putin big time and is probably not going to pay him back (like countless other contractors, employees, investors, etc). I kinda wonder if Trump is holding on so tight and getting so desperate because he is afraid of what Putin might do to him.

I wonder if he’ll defect to Russia. Putin could put him to good work as host of Celebrity Russian Apprentice, on RT.

I doubt Trump’s Presidency can fully survive this little 21st Century update to the Saturday Night Massacre on top of last week’s healthcare bill fiasco. I feel quite certain that the way Cheetolini convinced a few moderate Republican congressmen and members of the Freedom Caucus to vote for the TrumpCare bill was to

Can we take just a moment to weep for the national tragedy that is Jon Stewart retiring a year too early?

Please, please, PLEASE let this be the beginning of the end of our weird orange national nightmare. I wonder if Trump will match his prison uniform?



They are participation trophies and they are littered all over the god damned South! I have never seen a people so proud to celebrate a second place finish!