
And in 2002 the we had a Republican President who was terrible, but on the eve of a terrorist attack asked the nation to not place the blame on Muslims in the US. It was a different era.

A few days ago I mentioned I was making a poster to motivate myself to study for the bar. Well guess what?

And you’re a bit of a jerk.

I mean I’m from Canada and I am staggered by the cruelty of the US justice system. Whenever they try to put a minimum on something here, it gets struck down by the courts. And that’s how it should be.

But the Department of Justice will be pursuing charges against a protester wholaughed during Sessions’ confirmation hearings....

I’m a libtard but I’ve also spent a significant portion of my career prosecuting police officers. That’s why I became a prosecutor.

They keep attacking Hillary because she won the popular vote, and because Putin actively interfered with the election. Trump’s presidency is invalid.

The story the biographer is telling is not that Obama was picking Michelle due to her smarts, talents, etc. (this is all based on reading the WaPo book review as well as the NYT book review; it’s worth noting that the review in the NYT is fairly scathing; the WaPo reviewer is relatively positive).

The current President has 5 kids by 3 women and his two previous marriages ended due to his serial infidelity and he pretty clearly wants to fuck one of his daughters but it’s Obama getting turned down for a marriage that’s news.

Right?! He likes smart, powerful women. Who doesn’t?*

Every time someone mentions Hillary, I remember when I used to have such hope. And then I die a little inside.

President Andrew Jackson, who died 16 years before the Civil War started, saw it coming and was angry. Would never have let it happen!

If Jeff Session prosecutes somebody for laughing at him, I should be on death row.


Life’s so weird.

Ahhh...yes. The silencing of conservative voices by the liberal fascists. Never mind that Fox News is the highest rated cable network, that Rush Limbaugh has been on the air for decades, that O’Reilly was the highest rated cable news program, that there is a literal parade of conservative “thinkers” with an endless

They’d make a great Mount Douche-more.

How is the conservative voice being silenced?

Fox has been (unfortunately) the #1 news* outlet for something like 14 years. How is the conservative voice being silenced?

Fox News channel goes away