
I signed up just to rep you. Thank you sir this made my day.

Ahh Jeets Jeets

+1 zenmaster mindfuck

I would think about it

Did you story board this? Please tell me that you did.

Jeter did it right - didn’t get married (until recently, anyway) so he could plow through a who’s who of some of the most beautiful women on the planet ,to his heart’s content, with no worries of scandals and/or divorces. FTR, I also have no problem with any females doing it like this either.

TMZ added that “the current NBA season has been extremely stressful on the marriage for several months.” 

Other leaders cared more about actually governing then strictly trying to keep up appearances. After Obama took office I recall one speech in which I thought he was getting dangerously close to firing shots at W, but he still kept it classy and kept referring to the “previous administration” without ever calling any

I was thinking Barron was #4 but I realized I skipped Tiffany then again I think her own father skips Tiffany

Poot, my good man. The fifth Trump (which sounds like a lesser Hitchcock film) is Baron. I have no opines on this poor kid, given you can’t pick your family. That said, he needs a VON in his name tones true Jack Kirby/Stan Lee style super villain

So, does anyone remember other presidents constantly insulting members of the opposing party, simply for being members of that party? I don’t recall Obama or B. Clinton making jokes about Republicans as a general group, nor the Bushes or even Reagan making blanket insults about Democrats. Am I misremembering? It

As far as anyone can tell, it mainly seems to be because her sister has a huge ass. I know, it’s baffling to me as well.

Through hard work and perseverance.

Oh, it was hard typing that with a straight face. No, she got it through family konnections. 

“You know, their sister is the one who married Kanye, the one with the humongous ass who dresses like a hooker going out as a prostitute for Halloween.”

Man, as much as I try to let people like what they like, I don’t think getting thrown out into the street and living in a dumpster would be a bad enough thing to happen to them. They’d still have a crew filming it.

I really wish we could shoot this whole damn family into the sun and never have to hear about them again.

Also, reality TV is pure evil. It gave us our president, and it will destroy the world if we give it any more time.

I have a question.

Can’t wait for Trump to tell us that “nobody knew” why we don’t let US presidents ride in fucking open cars. And then that Kennedy is doing a great job and being recognized more and more.