
But but but we had a black president so no more racism! Get with the program hippy.

She’s just fighting the good fight against misandry! One of these days, us straight, white, middle class males are finally going to get a fair chance in this world.

Yes. I don’t give a crap if there are comparable supports for white students (on the basis of just race, anyway. I think there should be supports, regardless of race, for students from poor backgrounds, for example, as well as for women and LGBTQ+ people), and I say that as a white person.

The truth is that, were the

It’s not the being awful part, it’s who you literally have to sleep with to get there.

... giving special assistance to minority students is a band-aid solution to a deep problem.

“I went to Stanford and got my book learnin’ and fought off that librul indoctrination with those overpermissive professors who try to shove diversity and tolerance down our throats— all so I could preach at you all to enjoy earning less money than men who do the same job and get married by no later than 29 and stay

The guy running the EPA doesn’t believe in threats to the environment. The woman in charge of the DoE doesn’t believe in public education. The guy in charge of HUD thinks public housing is a problem. The woman running the Civil Rights Office believes racism affects all skin colors in the same way.

“We need to allow each person to define his or her own achievements instead of assuming competence or incompetence based on race.”

I wasn’t as surprised about them firing Jay Pharoah because of the reasons he gave above, but I still don’t understand why they got rid of Taran Killam - he is just such a natural comedian and to me he was the most talented guy they’ve had in a long time. I don’t love most of the new cast - especially Melissa

Those guys are THE WORST.

They traded in Jay Pharoah and Taran Killam, both of whom were amazing, for two of the most generic white dudes imaginable—and those two white dudes are now in every single sketch.

No no... this Moab thing really needs its own post.

I’m assuming someone approved or liked my comment (not complaining) or his.

I felt comfortable engaging because I’m greyed on this site too. Now it’s all in the black. Oh well.

Yes. Definitely white. I think he went to Oxford for undergrad.

The POTUS and FLOTUS of my heart, now and forevermore...


I’m beginning to get used to seeing/hearing “President Trump” but referring to Melania as FLOTUS? Get those letters out of your mouth you orange shitweasel.

So you hear on “liberal” say X, and assume it’s all liberals. Then you hear another “liberal” say Y, and also assume it’s all liberals. Could it just be that liberals could have differing points of view topics? I mean, are you a “conservative”? Do you agree with everything every other “conservative” says?

Maybe there are difficult problems in the world with no easy solutions.