
Good. He’s a piece of shit and must be held accountable for the sewage that oozes from his puckered anus-like pie hole. The gassy ass clown gets to play and live by an entirely different set of standards than the rest of the world does and it needs to stop. He might get a kick out of riling up his obnoxious drunken

I hate Americans too. The white ones of course! ;)

This guy!

If I were in Arkansas, I might. I’m only pro-death penalty for serial, predatory crimes (serial killers, rapists and pedophiles). But since I do feel that if we have the death penalty we must also bear witness to it:

More like Arkanignore. Am I right.

“No context?”


In an interview today, he said that the idea of artificial intelligence supplanting human jobs is “not even on our radar screen... 50-100 more years away.”

If you’re not calling abortion & birth control murder, you’re not a conservative. To them. What she said may seems slightly acceptable to you but... c’mon. If you’re not taking the hardest of hardline positions you’re out.

And I thought every time Mexico refused to pay, the wall would get 10 feet higher! Shouldn’t it be like 2,000 ft tall by now? Sheesh, talk about not following through on promises...

the wall will be 30 feet tall

Mr Strunk, a kind and thoughtful man who has been unfairly targeted by my mentstrual pain related moods in the past, picked up a box from CVS and was so excited to show it to me. I didn’t have the heart to tell him so I thanked him profusely and put it in the cabinet. Several days later, he saw the two boxes side by

Caffeine enhances the effect of pain relievers like Tylenol or NSAIDs. The diuretic bit is just a bonus.

You wouldnt know.

“I took my sister to a Marroon 5 concert for her birthday...”

***listens to song***

Who’s watching?

I love that his idiot followers see that 235K jobs were added in February, and yet believe that magically lowered the unemployment rate by over 35%. Do they genuinely believe there are less than a million workers in the entire country, or do they really suck that much at math? (Don’t worry, I know which it is.)

It has nothing to do with that. He knows how to manipulate the painfully stupid...and it works.

It has nothing to do with that. He knows how to manipulate the painfully stupid...and it works...I mean he did get them to elect him president...largely doing this exact same thing.