
If you’re the God believing type, then you know that God created “free will.” This essentially means anything goes and he won’t interfere. So the universe is under no control at all, if that makes you feel better.

God created Trump to help me purge my Facebook friends list

God doesn’t exists, next question.

no way this man has a daily BM.

Hey here’s a fun thing; consider what kind of world we’d be living in if 2009 had opened with the following headlines.

Remember her birthday in Aspen?

Everybody raise your hands if you’ve ever felt personally victimized by Rihanna’s beauty and success.

The thing is I really won’t- when I say I’m done with something or avoiding for a serious reason, I mean it- just like I stopped buying Paris Hilton perfume when I found out she was racist Trump-supporting trash and just like I have yet to go to a Chick-Fil-A, and give it the most negative reviews on any survey where

Yep. Where are all the concern trolls from the earlier articles on Milo at Berkeley who were decrying libtards for suppressing “free speech”?

And we can opt to not do business with any of the red state white conservative Trump Supporter shithole businesses that fired them. Personally I hope their businesses fail and they take a huge financial hit - they deserve it- but I know that’s wishful thinking.

The hypocritical doubletalk from the attorney makes me so angry. “They were warned that if they protested, they would be fired” but also “the firing had nothing to do with the reason they skipped work.” Huh?? The only way this would make any sense is if they were fired for skipping work, not protesting, but the only

And, shockingly, that’s the entire point of the protest - to get these idiots to realize just how much they depend on the immigrants the administration is demonizing.

There’s a Ben’s near my job. I’ve never been, but now I have even more reason to avoid them.

Do turtles have assholes?

Only one business in my community closed down for the event and it is the best Mexican restaurant in town. Someone posted on their Facebook page “I guess I’ll just go to Taco Bell instead.” and the restaurant just responded with a puking emoji. It was beautiful.

I’m sort of shocked that it’s only 100(ish). I would have expected more employers to terrible.

It was 12 people, not 2. And most of them had been there since the restaurant opened. And they were fired by text message. And several of them were fired by second-hand text message— “You and your family are fired.”

Standing up for what they believe in. How un-American.

The leaks are to expose any nefarious business happening behind doors and put pressure via having the public calling their representatives to do something about it and promising to vote them out if they don’t deal with this. It’s also to show that the Republicans are being watched like hawks everywhere by pretty much

Can’t the ACLU do something if this audio leak blows up? Are we this fucking helpless?