
Here is my take. I have never been convinced that Milo is sincere (unlike the other alt-right pinup boy Richard Spencer who is dead serious in his white supremacy). Not to say that Milo may not actually hold terrible Islamophobic, woman-hating, etc. opinions, or that he is not doing damage despite how committed he

Jane, ever the ignorant slut, keep doing you bb.

Milo Yiannopoulos is basically a glorified internet troll. He gets a lot of traction by being horribly misogynist and/or racist. Because he figured out that there is a big market for misogyny and racism on social media. That is ALL he is. He shouldn’t be promoted as a serious person by being invited on shows by

What did Tina and Amy do?

Milo changed his Twitter account name to “Linda Thump,” harassed Buzz Aldrin, wrote an “article” about “prominent feminist Linda Thump” harassing Buzz Aldrin, embedded his own tweets in the “article,” changed his display name back to his own name so it showed up on the embedded tweets. Waited months before labeling it

They also complained about Obama’s EO’s (fewest on average per year for any president of the last 60 years), saying it was too many, meanwhile Trump has issued EO’s almost every day in the last three weeks, like it’s the only thing the president does, despite the fact his party has both the House and the Senate. It’s

Let them leak like the wet diapers they are!

Like many of us, and perhaps even your own namesake, Herr Asshat gives no shits about what his narcissism cum fascism looks like outside his own personal realm - instead he bloviates about his pains and struggles against the “system” that is set “against him”.

Despite Ivanka being friends with Chelsea Clinton for a number of years, Trump & Kushner also didn’t realize that on January 21st the Whitehouse would be empty because Obama’s staff was leaving with Obama. They thought the Presidency was just like a business & the people who ran things for Obama would be running

urgh why is all country music so terrible /same sounding /off key

ngl i read though as thought. but you can also take ur tone away now byeeeeeeeeeeee

I’m sure he’s a piece of shit kid, as well, just one we’re not allowed to call autistic.

It’s not “Islamaphobic bullshit” to merely admit that radical Islamists commit terror attacks. He doesn’t attack Muslims as a whole at all, but he doesn’t bury his head in the sand and ignore facts either.

It’s not “Islamaphobic bullshit” to merely admit that radical Islamists commit terror attacks. He doesn’t attack Muslims as a whole at all, but he doesn’t bury his head in the sand and ignore facts either.

Way to bury the lede with that Bill Maher was accompanied onstage by JOHN FUCKING WATERS. That man is a national treasure and makes even Maher (who is not going to earn forgiveness for his own islamophobic bullshit just because he calls out people who are worse human beings than he) watchable.

Yes because if you don’t look at fat people you won’t get fat. The Secret what a fucking joke. I bet those are the same fucks who voted for #45.

As much as Dr. Oz often goes way out of the realm of what he’s boarded in (with often disastrous consequences), what many people aren’t aware of is that he’s still generally regarded as one of the top cardiac surgeons in the country. It’s a very, very difficult and demanding specialty, and he’s saved a lot of lives in

Dr. Oz gives him a run for his money, though. Not to mention Eckart Tolle or the lady who wrote The Secret, who had less staying power but were somehow even dumber. There are a lot of things to admire about Oprah, but her love of facile pseudo science is not one of them

They were pretty hopeless. Would have just called him a Clinton shill.

I think he would have gone a long way to shame the apathetic “they both suck” crowd who either voted 3rd party or not at all.