
Come on, conservatives don’t care about their failings, just about yours. The acronym is IOKIYAR: It’s okay if you’re a Republican. Bill Clinton is evil because he cheated on his wife, but Donald Trump’s infidelity and alleged rapes are “all in the past”. Trump isn’t a bully; he tells it like it is!

Ding! We have a winner!

Nope. They think he’s doing great! He’s building the dang wall! He is bringing back tons of jobs and the Dow just hit 20,000! He is protecting unborn babies all around the world! He is going to fuck with those lazy injuns that are making a racket up at the pipeline! He is protecting us from the brown people from

Ugh, I hated his character in Independence Day.

This wall and people justifying it. I can’t. I was reading one story and someone in the comments broke down why the wall is a waste: immigration from Mexico is declining, a 20% import tax just gets passed onto consumers, it doesn’t take into account illegal immigrants who come by air or overstay their visa,

The President of Mexico power dissed him yesterday on the world stage! One upped him! Pulled out of a meeting that Trump said he was going to pull out of BEFORE Trump could like a boss!

It breaks my heart we won’t have a funny president anymore and I knew it had more to do with just “Obama is awesome and Trump is the worst.” You’re right. It really does signify that our country is on a dark and angry path.

Yes...I’m convinced many have buyer’s remorse, and I’m just going to sit back with the biggest shit eating grin on my face...and pray nothing destructive happens, before he buries himself. Meanwhile, if you are one of those assholes that voted for him, and whine to me...I imagine I will lose my shit. I have a friend

It’s going to be worse tomorrow. He’s still not better than Obama.

Early? How fast do you see it progressing/declining?

This is exactly why he fired every diplomat on the 20th. Evan Some holdovers from the bush administration. There is literally no way for us to even say to another countries government,”yeah, be cool things will be a little different, but you can still count on us.”.

That’s not fraud, though. When you move you register in the new state, but you don’t do anything to “unregister” in the old state, the states are supposed to take care of that. The point in pointing out that his cabinet members are registered in multiple states is that Trump falsely calls that fraud.

Have you heard of Bess Kalb, this writer on the Jimmy Kimmel team? She trolls every single one of his tweets but the way she does it is so brilliant. She takes on this false tone of concern and sweetness all while poking at his pathetic ego and false claims. I’m not even on Twitter but I look her up daily just to see

Seriously, he has been on legal (i.e. prescribed) amphetamines since the ‘80s. That is some major brain damage, even disregarding his age. Throw his 70 years into the factor and there is no good outcome for his personal health.

He might agree to that, so long as the press corps were willing to use his ‘alternative rulers’ for measuring

Can we just talk about how hilarious it was in his interview last night where he seriously tried with that “literally not ONE illegal vote went to me. It was all for Hillary.” What kind of fantasy world nonsense...

Can we stop letting him off the hook with these 2009 comparisons, btw? 2009 was the biggest ever, so they get to whine that it’s an unfair comparison. How about the fact that he had less than half of the 2013 attendance. 2013, wasn’t historic. He lost to a continuing business-as-usual inauguration.

Oh for God’s sake.

Dear Rest of the Planet and It’s Leaders,