
Let us know when the police come to visit — if you can.

Not even close! I actually know Dems who have thought the same thing. A very liberal friend posted something to that effect on FB, and how Obama had set the precedent for Trump, so I sent her the numbers.

Thank you for the numbers. For an instant I was questioning my memory because yesterday I saw a bunch of trump fans tweeting about how Obama made the most use out of executive orders in the history of the US which sounded just plain wrong but than I remembered we’re living in an alternative fact world now.

I think some of us (the ones who voted Hillary) were silently praying that 1% chance that he wouldn’t follow through on it. You can’t blame people for clinging on to hope at desparate times.

Something *black* presidents shouldn’t be using. You forgot the key word!

But ... but - I’m confused weren’t executive orders a bad thing? Like literally 5 days ago they were bad and evil and something President’s shouldn’t be using.

My heart is broken by this. And I’m furious.

Paul Ryan, I believe, was the loudest one about this. Shot a video in which he purported to explain to Barack Obama (Con Law prof) the legislative structure of the US Government.

He also just tweeted he’s “going to send the Feds in to Chicago to stop the carnage” I.e. He’s gonna send people in to indiscriminately kill black people.

Bodily autonomy is vastly different than the responsibility you take on when you make a decision to parent a child. A child who has been born is an independently living person with rights of their own, unlike a fetus. And even still, we don’t force women to parent, even if they’ve decided to give birth to a child.

Viability. If the foetus is viable it won’t be aborted but simply a caesarean will be performed. An 8 months old foetus will only be aborted if because of some fetal abnormality the life of the mother is in danger and the foetus can’t survive anyway.

Because that’s the scientific definition of “fetus.”

Lemme break it down for you: If the baby comes out, it’s a baby. If it is still inside, it’s a fetus.

With respect, I think the moment you talk about “life”, you’ve already walked down a path that the anti-choice movement has spent years building psychological tripwires into the populace.

Honestly I feel the medical community and only the medical community should have a say in the the potential cut off point for abortions. If your anti abortion, then you are for taking away the autonomy of an individual. Fuck your old book.

I don’t have a hard-and-fast metric for defining brain function, it’s just something I’ve been mulling over since I read the Church of Satan’s rejection of the heartbeat standard in their legal challenge to either TX or OH’s regressive abortion restrictions.

I know in a lot of states if a pregnant woman is murdered and the fetus was viable outside the womb, it’s considered a double homicide. Which seems like a fine litmus test to me; I don’t know why it’s not more widely accepted.

If life was just determined by heartbeat then every time a married person flat-lined and was brought back, would their significant other now be a widow or widower, would they have to remarry? Heart function often can’t be detected until week 8 anyway, it’s why doctors wait so long for a first appointment. I didn’t