
Requiring people to pay for their own healthcare and higher education keeps “the poors” in their place and allows them to concentrate all of the wealth at the top generation after generation.

Ah, but you forget, Obama was on Twitter every day bashing his critics, attacking war heroes, civil rights legends, the disabled, and gold star parents while critiquing women based on their looks and hinting that they had secretly done porn.

So he is saying the people in the administration (trump) feel frustrated and demoralized when they get criticized?

You can also point out how flawed the EC is. If we are talking only two candidates (which for most practical reasons it is), Trump could have theoretically won the Presidency with only 21.5% or about 30 million of the total ~137 total votes. This is of course a hypothetical where Trump wins the least populous states

Uh, no, we kinda wish he hadn’t. Really, Donnie, if you want to go back to running your beautiful, multi-billion-dollar empire, PLEASE, feel free!

And I think it’s just unbelievably frustrating when you’re continually told, “It’s not big enough, it’s not good enough, you can’t win.”

That we are being told by people who spent the last 8 years questioning Obama’s ‘legitimacy’ and accusing Hilary of running pizza pedophile rings to ‘respect the office’ and ‘get over it, we won’ is perhaps the most bizarre aspect of this whole thing.

It’s a good thing Obama didn’t have to with negative and demoralizing comments all the time.

It’s not about one tweet, it’s not about one picture, it’s about a constant theme. It’s about sitting here every time, and being told, “No. Well we don’t think he can do that, he’ll never accomplish that, he can’t win that, it won’t be the biggest, it’s not gonna be that good, the crowds aren’t that big, he’s not

I’m sure I’m in the minority here but what made Trump’s remarks so vile is that he made them in front of the Memorial Wall at the CIA. Those stars represent operatives killed in the line of duty who can’t be honored by name because of the nature of their activities.

People mocked W. when he stated in 2004 that he had been given a “mandate” after narrowly defeating John Kerry. But W. actually DID beat Kerry in the popular vote (not by very much, but he did). Trump couldn’t even do that. He’s always going to be under that cloud, but he can’t accept that.

oh, but we didnt demoralize him, sean - he came to us, quite honestly, without any morals at all.

When more people actually voted for your opponent, it’s hard to rally the proverbial troops under the banner of “look how much support I have!”

The problem being, and this brings me to a Chris Rock skit: “Ain’t nobody trying to blow Orrin Hatch! Ain’t nobody trying to give Newt Gingrich some! I don’t give a fuck, you ain’t never going to hear Newt Gingrich go: Man I wish these hoes would back up off me.’’


I was anchoring today and spelled out the President was lying. It was my third story down, post marches and the CIA clusterfuck, and I very specifically said the crowd DID NOT back to the monument, and that numbers did not match what Spicer said.

I personally loved the leap from “there is NO way of knowing how many people were there.” to “There were the most people from any inauguration ever.”

He also made this terrifying statement: “We’re going to hold the press accountable.” That’s the direct opposite of how things work in a free nation, asshole.

I was literally yelling at my TV.

or you could not look like a bum in a coat and button your jacket!!!!!!!!!!