
He is a petty asshole. Fuck him. Shake her goddamn hand and say he’s still going after her.


The gap between Obama, a true scholar, a man of unwavering integrity, hope, a profound sense of what the word justice means, (see his nonviolent crime drug related charges pardons) and then the comparison to the vile filthy, racist, mysoginist, that makes a living off shorting anyone and everybody that he ever met.

Hmm. And I just read Jezebel and Deadspin. I guess that’s why he’s the president and I’m just some in-the-greys commenter. [*weeps*]

Chris Christie has the is a saddest balls.

Not only that but Republicans will actually alienate the Trump fanatics and turn them off from any and all Republicans that abetted that plan and the Democratic senators will actually garner more votes on their side against the Republicans as well. The Republicans will now then have to tap-dance so hard just to win

I hope that you invite multiracial transgendered lesbians to Thanksgiving to sit next to your sil at Thanksgiving.

It’s so appropriate that the de facto leader of the so-called “anti-PC movement” is someone who absolutely cannot take a fucking joke.

No, it’s generally when they try to bash Obama but they can’t even point out or articulate what’s wrong with his policies so they have to resort to racial taunts that makes them racist.   They’re never ever clever and it’s just mean and cruel and so utterly wrong.

Funny and illuminating story in the Wash DC media last night and today: the contractor for the portapotties for the Inauguration is called Don’s Johns, with that logo appearing on every side of each box. Yesterday, someone (unnamed) for DONald JOHN Trump’s team had people out taping over the name and logo with blue

Oh, you are too kind to the Trumpster. He was also busy working for his arrested-at-a-Klan-meeting daddy, denying housing to African Americans.

“Bone spurs.”

I don’t know her.

Well all this morning Trump could have gotten Steve Harvey to teach John Lewis a thing or two......

Saturday morning, Trump tweeted that Lewis is “all talk” and “no action”—...

He is absolutely STUPID! All his talk about “uniting the country” was just that, talk. Have fun being the incoming president with the lowest approval ratings in modern history, you jackass! He might as well had insulted MLK as well! And the conservative idiots think that BLM will somehow magically disappear once POTUS

I remember when Rep. Paul Ryan mentioned that Rage Against the Machine is what he listens to when he’s getting pumped up before a big debate or speech.

Oh Christ, I hadn’t even thought of that. What are the odds the pro-choice movement could advocate instead, as evidence of lack of access to abortion? But that would probably seem in poor taste... no more than the other way, of course, but it’s only the decent people that are expected to have any moral standards.

Yes, extremely premature. Depending on how well he does, in 15 or 20 years, you may see the anti-choice movement publicizing him as “an abortion survivor” giving motivational speeches...

Holy shit, I didn’t realize the baby was born after that. Christ what a nightmare.