
God damnit this show is amazing. I work in a cubicle hell type office environment, and I was once again shaming two of my co-workers/friends for not watching this show. Mid-way through my pitch, an older, 50-ish, Trump voter white woman pops into the convo and excitedly asks, “What show are you talking about?” I’m

But don’t pray too hard...I announced on Facebook that my grandfather was in the hospital, battling cancer; so many people prayed for him that he got super strong and ended up destroying like half the hospital wing. It took 9 horse tranquilizers to bring him down, it was awful.

I’m pretty sure the common thread here is marijuana. The employees got freaked out by a customer and hid in the back: high. Dude goes to CVS in the middle of the night looking for cheese and spends 45 minutes wandering around the store: high.

the panicked employee who had called the cops was being “counseled and retrained.”

Was going to type pretty much that exact thing, then saw this. No shit, our founding fathers were dicks, people. They weren’t really like Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Really?! I’m pretty sure that if the founding fathers were to suddenly be resurrected, many of them would just be upset that they can’t own black people anymore.

-“American voters’ second-choice, Donald Trump...”

I’m wondering why the hell undocumented people (which I’m assuming are the people he thinks somehow cast millions of illegal votes) would have risked arrest and deportation just to vote for Hillary in a state guaranteed to go blue?

I’d like to start a gofundme campaign to raise money for daily full page ads in the NY Times and WaPo that simply state:

Requesting a recount in California would be super LOL. I mean, really? Why would he begin to give a shit about Cali-fucking-fornia?!!

“There is widespread voter fraud. But not perpetrated by Republicans. And not in PA, WI, or MI, so there is no need to do a recount. The recount is unfair to me. But I won, totally legitimately.”

The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.

Something to do:

Hard to imagine since the televised news media is on his side, despite his dislike of the press. Irony aside, the media controls the sheltered ignorant and uninformed, and they can make Hitler look like the Pope.

I did the same. Someo fthose responses ranged from disheartening to terrifying. The one from the Florida elector is literally a guy who is the chairman of Trump’s Flordia campaign, so the likelihood of these assholes doing the right thing is zip.

Buzzfeed published an article on the responses the electors are sending. One of them ranted about how Bill Clinton is a rapist. So...I don’t think they’d care if Trump did anything evil. Or even believe it if presented with overwhelming evidence.

Where the hell do they even FIND these people? Facebook political pages? Walmart on a Wednesday?

I don’t even know if it would be a bad thing for press outlets to be denied credentials. Trump is belligerent and evasive and openly hostile to the press. During the campaign, he tricked reporters in his press pool into airing elaborate commercials for his hotels, and he used them as props as his rallies, siccing his

I emailed the electoral college recently. I got some half-literate responses (one read in full: “on Beaver Island Deer Hunting hope to kill 3 deer. Please hold all emails. Thanks. GO TRUMP”), some sanctimonious responses, and mostly a lot of nothing. A friend received a postcard from an elector with just the word

What amazes me is his supporters don’t care. They just think he is smart. A lot of people believe if you are rich you must be smart. They don’t realize most wealth is the dumb luck to have been born into the right family. See Trump, Donald. I have told several people I know about his bankruptcies and other failings