
I know, I just didn’t want to post any thing that would be bait for the “why are you making this about race libtard! This is why Hillary lost lol” clowns that have been running around

This is all I can picture. Am holding true to it.

....says the guy who just confused 1.3 million for 30 000.

1.3 million =/= 22k or 27k

22,272 (which has now shrunk by 18% due to some... strange vote padding in several precincts)

I know it is an extreme longshot, but i can’t help but think if these audits/recounts overturn a state or expose further external interference from a foreign source; that perhaps maybe, just maybe the electoral college will have to take into account all factors and vote for Hillary instead of Trump.

A) fuck off b) no shit it’s happening, my useless hope has to do with it fucking changing something. C) stop being such a dick. You could have told me to be hopeful or something but instead you read about me being physically sick to my stomach and you decided to be a major ass. Am I somehow more worthy of your ‘tude

Exactly. He’s a murderous asshole who deserves to rot.

As I mentioned in an above post, if it was righteous self-defense shooting he would have aimed for the kid’s shoulders, knees or feet. Putting two in the chest is intentional murder and THAT is why he’s going to jail. You can’t just *murder* people in this country, for any reason. It has to stop.

I’ve never understood this. So you’re saying that somehow because he looks a little older that somehow makes his death justified or that man’s fear more rational?

They arent and he is a delusional monster. Wtf is this asshole trying to prove by saying hes 62? That hes a grown ass man who made the decision to murder a boy in cold blood? Fuck this guy into eternity and back again.

“Pulliam insisted that it’s not that he wanted to kill anyone, but that he simply wanted to make sure they didn’t kill him.”

He crossed the damn street. When you continue the confrontation or instagate it, you can’t claim self- defense.

“I just shot him. I felt my life was in danger,” Pulliam said.

Ikr? He’s already abusing his power and he hasn’t even taken office yet. See: shake downs of foreign leaders to get favorable treatment for his property development projects.

I’m gonna take a guess here and say focus on the racist cabinet nominees that said it (or allegedly said) instead of chiding the man quoting them.

I was going to answer, but your answer is perfect and right on the money.

By letting him finish and understanding the overall point. The answer of her question was there if she’s could have listened and not gotten righteous over a word black people know they most likely have been called at some point in their lives. No, it’s not ok that Trump has reprimanded ONE white supremacists group

Just like the precious folk who could not abide the phrases PUSSY GRABBING, PUSSY GRABBER, GRAB EM BY THE PUSSY being repeated because it is just so ugly, yet stayed aligned with the PUSSY GRABBER HIMSELF, who said the words in the first place..

And once again, CNN proves itself a bastion of mediocrity.