
It was painful to see some of these groups use the whole “I care about Muslims dying overseas” as an excuse to avoid voting for Hillary, and are now silent about the terror Muslim children here are facing. They never cared, it was always a presentation for them.

I swear “shillary” is the new “sheeple” in that I cannot help but bust out laughing when I hear it. It is completely comical.



That would cripple his administration. I’m serious. He is focused on any perceived slight, so much so that he has to tweet at 3 am. Can you imagine if the only photo that all newspapers and TV stations ran is one he hates with is double chin? It would drive him fucking nuts and to distraction. It’s so clear what his

Speaking of...saw an anti-vaxxers post the other day from election day, pre-Trump, stating that she would vote for the lowest of the low if it meant she would have control over her family’s health (aka, vaccinations) because Hillary wanted “forced vaccinations.” So really, things like misogyny, racism, homophobia,

Other things he said he wanted to do:

yup. exactly. it must be awfully nice for people who feel so safe and secure that they can sneer at the rest of us for trying to avoid the cesspool and actual, literal danger of a Trump presidency.

People aren’t obligated to like how you voted. That’s not the same thing as actually stopping you from voting for who you want.

I’m still Bernie all the way, but I fucking put on my big kid pants and phone banked for Hillary (and voted for her, of course). Precisely because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if the worst happened and Trump got elected and I hadn’t done my part. Everyone who was too busy getting high on their

So, I will actually enjoy a republican president

You can argue that with the Times, the WaPo was probably the single most consistently good media outlet in terms of holding Trump to account (David Farenhold in particular)— there’s a reason Trump revoked their credentials.

I have been escapism watching 30 Rock and “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” was a Jack Donaghy line.

There’s a meme that observed that the right likes to call lefties weak and wimps because of our “safe spaces” language—but they lose their shit over a Starbucks coffee cup..

My grandfather was a Holocaust survivor who was “saved” by Stalin. Basically, Stalin put him in a gulag before the Nazi’s marched through Eastern Europe. Needless to say, he wasn’t a fan of either Stalin nor Hitler.

THIS is what kills me. Calling people triggered snowflakes is just a way to divert from the fact that the accuser was just “triggered” by someone else’s reaction.

Seriously. Make America Great bitching and moaning about every fucking thing. Like using pictures of his double chin:

Stalin was known for canceling the careers of artists and musicians simply because he didn’t like what they did. When I read about it in grad school, I thought, “What a sad time to live in. I’m glad I’ll never have to worry about that.”

Step 1 in delegitimizing real investigative reporting. He knows that smaller papers take note of what bigger papers cover and respond to. If he makes the NY Times seem like a tabloid he can then make the National Enquirer seem legit. Who knew you could be a dissident just by subscribing to a big newspaper (which I

“The other kids were mean, and they booed my friend Mike”.