
It’s going to be our version of brexit we just fucked ourselves . WTF what were people thinking this is why I haven’t been able to sleep for about 6 monthes . I could not believe so many people actually supported Trump . Do they realize how the rest of the world views us voting this crazy orange bastard into office .

There goes DACA. My wife just recently gained legal status after our marriage and I’m so glad but unfortunately for her parents they are still undocumented and I’m worried sick about them. All they’ve done since they arrived in this country is work their ass off to provide an honest living and put their youngest son

It’s too close, the US is ruined already by this election.

Pretty sure that person is entitled to an opinion about the US no matter what shithole they might currently call home.

Fucking stupid ass white racists. Damn it.

I think most of the people responding to Ashley’s lament with their terror are likely millenials and almost certainly Democrats. I’m 50 years old, I’ve been in the US military for 25 years. I cannot wrap my head around what the fuck is going on when so many of the people in this country think a guy who isn’t

No, fuck you for pushing that “both cadidates are bad” nonsense. That’s why we’re in this situation.

NO. Sorry, but no. This is not Hillary Clintons fault. This is the fault of the people who voted for Donald Trump in spite of every monstrous thing he’s said and done for the past 50 years, and of anyone who didn’t take it seriously or thought it couldn’t happen. This is the fault of anyone who doesn’t know shit about

I’m on edge. I’m still of the mind that Hillary will win but this is unfortunately close. It doesn’t speak well of America that it would vote not just for his hateful demagoguery but also his policies. His tax policy is laughable. Foreign policy? He’s willing to leave our allies floating in the breeze. What the hell?

Either way, the postmortem by the Democrats tomorrow will be an interesting read.

I feel so defeated right now. We didnt have a better candidate to put forward. Bernie would have gotten his ass kicked and if you think otherwise i guess you can’t be proven wrong.

I moved abroad 3 years ago....and it doesn’t make this any better. But yes - the USA really does have more than 50% of the people who think Trump is a good idea. Yes, there really is half a nation that thinks Obama is a Muslim witch doctor from Timbuktu. The dumbing-down of the United States is complete. I am so

Their pissed off and we blew them off long enough. I guess we can all kiss goodbye roe v wade, some members of my family hell possibly some of my civil rights since stop and frisk will definitely be targeted at me. Let’s just hope president trump doesn’t try to pull a hitler

I hope every single person who voted for him gets everything they every wanted.

It looks like Hillary squeaked Virginia out but she’s apparently far behind in Michigan.

Two Democratic electors in a Washington state have said they’ll vote for Bernie.

Fucking A guys. Hillary might have fucking blown it.

Where do I sign up to be pushed onto the Subway tracks?

Oh my fucking goodness.

We’re gonna need more cities. Seriously. Hillary is bleeding the rural zones.