
I see the live blog, but will there be an open thread? Because I’m scared, y’all.

Husband and I voted for Clinton. I hate Florida, too. I am actually hating a lot of our country right now. Trump does not stand for what America is supposed be about. He is racist, sexist, and classist. He admitted to assaulting women, he made fun of disabled people, he has outright lied about everything, he does not

Thank you for trying to distract us from Trump probably winning. I feel like I am going to puke now and for the next four years.

This is fucking hilarious.

Florida you are embarrassing.

As a white male with a good amount of privilege, I voted based on what’s at stake for the rest of you, too. How people can’t wrap their heads around that astounds me. There was a tweet I saw, can’t remember where, that went something like:

My dad moved here in the 70s, leaving behind a corrupt South American government in an intense drug war. When he left this comment on my voting picture (holding my two year old son), I had to go to the bathroom and compose myself. We are lucky to have this tool called voting. “I came here at seventeen with a dream

Well deserved shade.

<3 u Jezzies!!! Thank you for showing those shitbags at Deadspin how it's done. (Ley, Drew, Jordan and ladies excepted.)

I had brain cells die because of that self-important, selfish swill. Fine, don’t vote. It’s still annoying, but whatever. It’s the whining, 4 paragraph justification about he’s really in the right and making the morally correct choice that drives me crazy. I used to like Pareene when he was at Gawker in the old days,

I believe “Because we aren’t fucking idiots.” turns it from potential shade to straight reading.

Alex Pareene’s self-important explanation for why he may or may not deem voting in a presidential election worthy of his time was the single worst thing I have read this election season.

I’m going to rant, pointlessly, in the greys. Do you hate the system? Do you want to change things? Then get involved in local government. Hell, get involved with the party you most agree with, and change it. Don’t make a vague plan to vote for the perfect thing that will be just the best, once you come up with it.

I’m a native Tennessean. I was represented by a Democrat in Congress until the Tea Party took over in 2010. People I’ve known forever have shocked me with their hate and ugliness. I don’t recognize the town I grew up in anymore.

As a Canadian, I find this voter suppression stuff (from the country that is supposed to be the beacon of democracy) to be mind boggling. In elections here nobody would ever think to do stuff like that. You just go and vote, no hassles, no problem. WTF America?

Well, see, it’s not that they’re trying to suppress black people’s votes, it’s just that they’re trying to suppress Democrats’ votes and they know they can only get away with it in areas that are heavily poor and minority-inhabited, so that’s TOTALLY different.

Starred by a white North Carolinian. It’s been disenfranchising seeing my state’s true nature come out. This is not the NC (or the US for that matter) that I thought I grew up in.

As a black dude currently living in NC, I made sure to cast my ballot early. Here’s hoping McCrory and Trump have a bad day tomorrow

I’m so glad we got rid of the VRA. I mean, racism is totes solved, right? And nobody is explicitly trying to prevent minorities from voti....