
For some people, any time a Clinton is cleared of accusations of wrong doing it’s never because they’re innocent, rather that the Clinton’s are so connected and/or dangerous they couldn’t be caught - this time. They’ll get her with the next one. If she’s elected president they still won’t stop throwing scandals at her

How can Clinton be misleading about where she was on 9/11 there is a lot of footage of her both in Washington and in New York the next day?

Doesn’t matter whose emails they are, as far as the Trumpettes are concerned. They got the optics\soundbites they were creaming for. Conway has been saying it for days.

Thank you. Even normally responsible media outlets have been ridiculous on this issue (for example, saying the investigation into Clinton had been reopened even before the FBI had looked at contents of the emails).

I understand that interviewers have to give her her say but she really needs to be leveled. Her soul is as black as the pot and the kettle. And a woman who refers to another woman as “that woman” is missing something basic in the way of introspection.

because everyone’s in the pockets of the Clinton’s! They’re out to destroy America! They’re clearly already extremely powerful, yet still need to win the White House, because if Trump wins he would come riding up on a stallion with Vladimir Putin and slay them and evil liberal demons forever!!

He is 3 years into a 10 year term. He could be forced out. I see President Clinton using him as a tool and a punching bag anytime there is any investigation. She is going to make his life hell for 4 years, or until he commits suicide by shooting himself in the back 16 times.

Last week on Twitter: FBI is doing a great job - D. Trump

I think there’ll be one whether or not Clinton wins. President Obama and the DOJ haven’t gone anywhere. I would guess it’ll be the DOJ who begins, to keep the President out of it, but since he’s on his way out you never know.

I am wondering, provided Clinton wins, if there will be an investigation into this? When you have the campaign manager (this was yesterday I think) on CNN answering “What if the emails show nothing new?” and her response being that it is fine as the damage has already been done (and smirking), in combo with Rudy’s

Off to play on Facebook! Although I assume my “friends” have moved on to claiming Hillary is working some hydrogen bomb scheme with Xenu.

Comey couldn’t wait EIGHT DAYS to complete an ongoing investigation, as per protocol, to mention the fucking emails?! You know, show some restraint, like he has about ongoing investigations into Trump dealings?! What a bag of cocks. He better be drafting a resignation letter now, he’s out of a job Jan. 21.

There’s nothing to indicate that these were Clinton’s emails.

Please stop giving these ship slop frauds more press. They are oxygen thieves with garbage style.

I work in reality tv, well I used to. Anything where money is exchanging hands is fake. Legal stuff. Container, pawn, this. Might have truth to it or behind it but not straight up documentary. Also if you ungray me I can tell you these things faster.

House Hunters is faked too.

No surprise. I’ve seen them show the same house to different couples on different shows. There are going to be a limited number of fixers in a particular price point in a given metro area.

There was an interesting round table on CNN this morning - journalists were asked to look back and comment on how they could have done a better job. And the conlusion seemed to run along the lines of “we should have called Trump out on his lies with more force and earlier on instead of trying to look impartial by not

Once upon a time, I was a young Republican (by birth and nurture) who happened to just want everyone to live out their lives (without harming anyone else) however they saw fit. I don’t know WTF a Republican is anymore. I *think* that I’m a Democrat now? I...I just...all I can say about any of this is that a) this

Kellyanne Conway was pushing that narrative this morning on Tapper’s State of the Union. Tapper was not having it. He was like YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE HE IS A CLINTON OPERATIVE. And he kept pressing Conway to say that her campaign was in fact misleading the public. It was so awesome. I love him