
Of course, Hillary is personally responsible for everyone who’s ever died since at least 1990 (except for Osama Bin Laden).

He’s a seventy year old man. They can’t all be like Bernie. (Who is seventy-five and bolting!)

(In reality, Trump and nearly all his compadres are elderly men in poor shape who will die in the next decade, and Hillary and/or Barack will be blamed no matter what.)

What are the odds the person who yelled “gun” also believes our President is a Kenyan-born “mooslim”?

“It’s what he would have wanted.”

If Obama was going to assassinate Trump, pretty sure he would be found dead of a heart-attack in his hotel room. Just like Scalia, right Alex Jones?

He was just trying to warn Donald!

Was looking around Barnes and Noble yesterday, and a book called “The South Was Right,” with a big confederate flag on the front, caught my eye. So I went over to look like “Oh, that cover’s just provocative, they can’t possibly mean... oh. They do mean that. Huh.”

Thank God these two brave men were there to escort him to safety:

Funny that all the people who love guns run away and panic at the mention of a gun.

I get the feeling that if someone did murder Trump, his kids would waste no time exploiting every single moment for their personal gain.

Yeah, also it’s interesting how he just happened to NOT be talking when they rushed him off. Like you said, looking at the cliff of the rush off he doesn’t look himself.

Pictured: Conservatwitter.

Oh, hell, let’s be honest, Pence is hoping someone takes out the Drumpsterfire, that way he gets to be the President(ial Candidate).

Why was he looking so odd before they rushed him off? Usually he gets angry or puffs himself up when there’s a disruptor in the audience. When I first saw the clip out of context, I thought he’d gotten dizzy or something.

This is what “law enforcement” looks like in the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave in 2016. We are neither.

The alleged gunman was quoted as saying “I’ve made a huge tiny mistake.”

I don’t pray often being agnostic but I pray to everything holy for this shit show to just be over. If Trump becomes a martyr I am going to kill whoever is responsible twice.

I don’t.

If only they could have called Reno 911!