
Being offended by bad words and sexual content isn’t political correctness. Only being offended by racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry is. People who complain about political correctness aren’t really against “oversensitivity”, they’re against not being bigots.

Did you guys see that Trump called out jay z for his lyrics. Pffft.

J-Lo was stumping for Hillary down in Florida last week. So, when he says Jennifer Lopez, he means her. Hillary’s campaign has been playing like a who is whom of pop music idols recently.

I saw a clip of him at a rally saying, unlike Hillary, he didn’t need “Jay Z or J-Lo” to draw a big crowd. Now skipping over the fact that Hills has drawn some pretty big crowds lately, does he think that Beyoncé is J-Lo? Or was he making a joke about not knowing who Beyoncé is? Either way, he’s an asshat.

Yes, and I don’t have kids, so I feel like my position is usually seen as moot, but for christ’s sake - can the media stop sounding like this is some sort of shocking event that he is putting his career on pause? WTF was he supposed to do, be like “hon, take the kid to chemo, I have a world tour” ?

It would definitely help mobilize young voters though.

Jay-Z is not running for President.

The funniest thing to come from this has been Trump whining at a rally yesterday saying that he doesn’t need Beyonce, Katy Perry and the like to be with him. Here he is, just him, and he is good enough.

I feel like we could cure voter apathy if Beyonce and Jay Z level stars threw election day concerts with free admission for those bussed over from polling sites. “I Voted” stickers as the price of admission. #LolaCat5forPresident2024

You. Specifically you. 100% you. You, Hills Got Mail, will be paying for the healthcare of every adult woman in America for the next 4 years. Will that be cash or credit?

It doesn’t look that bad in print but you would have had to hear her tone.

Of all the things to hate about this election (and there are so many) the Bernie bros and their faux moral smugness, as they threaten the rights of so many very real people with their protest voting, is right at the top of the list.

On a side note, I am so over the people voting for Jill Stein. Want to not vote? Fine whatever. Protest vote? Fine whatever.

Oh fuck off, Sarandon. A) It’s actually shitty and sexist if you to imply that women voting differently than you are doing so because their little lady brains can’t handle voting for a reason other than “that one has boobs too.”

GOOD. My husband and I got stuck in that traffic jam and it was BRUTAL, the worst I’ve ever been in my life. I still can’t understand the kind of mind would do that to thousands of unsuspecting, uninvolved people to punish someone else sitting in an office somewhere. THEY’RE ALL PSYCHOPATHS.

Wow! Why is the press not covering this!

I can’t believe he gets to escape this without being prosecuted or at least impeached. He’s such a scumbag.