
No one gets to even think about becoming President while still being 100% pure. It’s in the nature of politics. Obama might be the cleanest President we’ve had in a long, long time. But he’s made plenty of deals and probably made some sneaky moves along the way.

It is more a question of the ethics and morality of one Donald J. Trump. He had a right to do it, strictly speaking, but that was only because the law had not yet been written to stop him. The same reasoning could be made in defense of any kind of bad behavior that is lawful. Upskirt pictures are legal until they

Okay, so I’m not voting for him and he is human garbage, but I’m confused as to why people are upset that he used the tax laws of the time to his advantage. Granted, I’m a tax accountant, but finding legal ways to reduce my client’s tax burden is my day to day job. I don’t find that weird or even wrong.

Oh yeah, well I did the same thing by switching to GEICO.

The only thing at this point that would cause Trump to implode (rather than a messy world-holds-its-breath loss) is a video in which he calls his supporters “a bunch of fucking idiots who believe whatever I want them to.”

But what is even worse, he is talking about the girls. Even the kids are not exempt from a misogynistic language. That is the part that is the most disgusting to me. Poor girls today, I really think that woman hating is stronger today than ever, just look at some of the comments of the so called feminist here, if some

I ran a stopsign once but it was the intersection’s fault for making it so easy. But also I had to pee so it was partly my bladder’s fault.

So the guy perpetrates the violence and then blames the woman for not preventing it? (Checks all of human history.) YUP! CHECKS OUT!

My tits can only dare to dream of that chin-cleave splendor he’s working TBH

I’m guessing he’s not going to my parents’ house, then. My mother will cuss enough for a whole fucking basketball team of whores!

Well, how else will people see him being a good, concerned father if he doesn’t write these articles?! No one will see that if he’s actually spending time with his kids, gosh!

Why is Deadpool okay okay, but Adele cursing is over the line? Isn’t Deadpool really crass and sexual? He has got some super double standards going.

Just mutter “whores, all of you” at anyone who side-eyes you


It almost seems as if Erickson is complaining about private industry responding to market demand.

Look, if you are all about protecting your kids from sexualized Halloween costumes, I’m all for it. But being a man and using the word whore, while worrying that your child actually wants to entice men is a very fucked up notion. Protect your kid, sure. Teach her respect for herself and others. That will not happen if

My Slutty Erick Erickson costume emphasizes literally all body parts I could squish together to create cleavage, including elbows and armpits.