
“I hope she has one last October surprise up her sleeve because this is getting dire.”

I mean, they hounded Obama about his birth certificate until he proved he was an American. I don’t put anything past them. Personally, however, I just don’t care about their bullshit insofar as it concerns how much it obstructs.

Right now all you need to do to fillibuster is to say “We’re fillibustering.” So, yeah, let’s fix that. And you’re right that when the Dems were in charge they didn’t fix it. It’s a bullshit gentleman’s agreement from the Senate cloakroom.

It is bizarre that we live in a world where some people think that 1. if a woman brings a case against a man for sexual assault, if he says he doesn’t recognize her, the case will be dismissed, 2. if a man loses to a woman in a primary race, he gets to set her policy, select her cabinet and have final say on her

She’s doing comfortably well. Even if all the battleground states she’s leading in flip to Trump, she’d still win narrowly. And this email thing evaporated very quickly. It’s going to be just fine. Election night is going to be a blast. Find a place with good friends, good tunes and good drinks. A week from Tuesday we

No shit (I say nicely).

How it works here in Arizona.... if I receive an early ballot, I can mail it or drop it off at a polling place. For an election last year or year before, I couldn’t find my early ballot, so I went to vote in person. The voter roll had my name check marked that I got an early ballot. The poll worker said I could have

My whole thought on this election is to make sure that Trump has a word said to him he’s both rarely heard and abided by, and that word is “NO.”

In Colorado you can track your ballot after it’s mailed - you get a notification when it’s received by the post office and then another notification when it’s received and counted by the clerk. It’s an amazingly efficient and transparent system. So by all means, Trumpies, fuck up and invalidate your ballot by voting


However, Trump advised everyone to visit their local polling station and procure a “new ballot.”

Not sure how he has the gall to complain about everything being rigged against him, when the media has given him more air time than any other candidate this election, and when the FBI just ignored policy and potentially violated federal law (the Hatch Act) in order to announce further investigations into her emails a

Poor baby. Finally something’s not getting handed to him for free. The fantasy world he lives in is all upside down.

You know you done fucked up when *George W. Bush’s* ethics lawyer of all people is bringing the hammer down on you.

Oh look — apparently there are still some Republicans with scruples, who agree:

Also it makes perfect sense Comey would get out in front of this, rather than a leak and some trump troopers break it on Breitbart. Then ya gotta explain that under a cloud of looking  non transparent.

You’re trying to make it sound like he caught her in a lie, but two seconds of thought would reveal that this isn’t inconsistent:

As far as I can tell, Pat Smith gave no fucks until she was told at the funeral that her adult married son had listed only his wife and children as his immediate family (because, from all appearances, he was estranged from his mother) and his wife was to be given his special medal and not her. It’s entirely petty and

According to Newsweek:

I mean we don’t even know anything about these emails. If this causes an impact on the polls, some people were just looking for an excuse not to vote for Hillary.