
My mother always said that her two most favorite books were “The Grapes of Wrath” and “In Cold Blood.”

Quite simply -- Canada does not possess the military required to enforce the ideals of a free nation.

You’re sick I love u!

Wheels within wheels!


Reminds me of

Ho-lee crap, I was gonna make some inane comment about modern game design (und ze deep state) but I’ll just leave this to google:

you forgot ‘bro.”

not fair to tease the political fish!

That’s funny/not funny! You don’t want El Trumpo taking over the podi---no wait!

TMNT “Fellow Chucker, eh? Wah!”

Somebody’s gonna draft at least one of those kids.

Now do it with a GMC!! If you’re like my friend it probably took about five yrs off your life..

If you’ve read about the military (wchyprblyhv) it’s so dire that you’re seeing so-called public figures talking about it..

A friend of mine was a gearhead and racing fan so we’d wind up playing GT3 for days. I’d take part of a 150 lap race and when he got home from work he’d take over. He died in a car accident back in ‘04. He was the only person I could ive with.

Well Obama was basically a deity compared to Dubya. Which means we merely need a demi-god this time ‘round.

Honestly it’s amazing just how quickly the lizard brain can take over.