
Yeah, that’s the thing -- (holy crap leaf blowers earplugs and all) She’s not one for backing down if Twitler’s minions are trying to strong-arm her well we’re look out Slovenia!

She’s great! Her review of FFXV is just balls!

but ve are dis-gussing Chermany!

Oh come on, It was the same thing as “Why did the Regan demmycrats flee” because they were too stupid to realize that all the kewl kidz already went racist..

Laura K Buzz does some very good journalism on this subject. Like Link in Gerudo and waht not.

Red makes it go fasta!!

I don’t know why but I still associate the end of B&B with the end of ‘The Crow.’

Alert me when Arumba goes native..

SHHH, those script kiddies are evrywhr!!1

Whatever it may be it was predigested by your cat/non-cat.

I was at the store yesterday and I started to feel a burning sensation.

so, when can we expect Barb 2.0?

I want them to bring back that B&B tv series but we can’t have -- Oh they optioned it? nm.

Now it fall to Jim Fucking Sterling Son!

Our ‘soft power’ has pretty much gone the way of the dodo.

You know the cheese has fell off the U.S. cracker when we’re quite literally talking about starving children and the elderly.

Wait, the United States does not need to rearm.

I just would hope that she’d curse at him!