The handwriting is too clean --> CONSPIRACY!!
The handwriting is too clean --> CONSPIRACY!!
Oh and I totally apologize for using said sad bear for mine own ends. Now, for your amusement, is ‘autumnal’ sad bear --
Yes, the UK is going to cut ties with the only nation willing ot put up with its bloated garbage>
Man, when I was a kid “Hanzo” was the cool asian kid that didn’t talk much. Katana or no.
As a large (white) land mammal I find it disurbing that some Indian woman is going to stare at me (probably thinking ‘you bastard, you’ve doomed this country) without my having a chance to white/splain to her that I happily voted for Hillary!
It’s okay! If you had any plans for the future, well, I’d just chuck them in the bin and start living!1
Yes! Donald Trump accused our closest Ally of gross treason and an offence that could spell war. Well who gives a fuck?
Just remember all of those studious talking heads that say “Donald Trump Could/Would never ignore the courts, I mean that’s just crazy.”
So what would your rating be for “To Have and Have Not.”
So I’m just talking but it does appear we’re returning to the policy of fucking with China. The second-most unbelievable aspect of Arrival is that the Chinese would start shit.
So the bets are whether the New War is going to be in the Middle East or Korea.
I mean if Britain still had Churchill then, perhaps, you might find some solace in just being a might pithier than your Anglo-Ami cousins.
Survey says: “Carefully.”
That’s real? I saw it a few days ago but..but..
Now to be serious the flying of the flag is just one of those little things that dies with the old generation. Out of maybe sixteen houses on the block perhaps six still have the people I grew up with.
Well first um/er/uh welcome and we like your idea of food. I believe it’s called poo-tin or something; like that Russian dude.