
I cherish it but it’s not mine. A theme that’s probably going to get a bit more play these days.

Seriously, cargo shorts and flats!

Oh Andy!

You know what’s kinda sad? My folks are the only family on the block that flies the flag on holidays and such. It used to be my dad and an elderly neighbor. Until said neighbor and his wife had to sell the house and move into a retirement home.

I direct you to a place you’ve probably heard of -- That isn’t going to go away anytime soon, you’d be better off ignoring the hard left as basically useful idiots for the right.

I mean it’s pretty awesome in that German way of just bludgeoning whatever might be in your path. Othat than that it’s more “Don’t bludgeon your opponent, pierce his organs.”

Somehow, this article has led me down the path of reading a wikipedia article on the “German school of fencing.” For Honor would probably be a better fit yet here we are.

So whomever broke into a zoo in France, killed a white rhino and sawed it’s horn off.. This is why I try not to read any news these days.

Yeah, it’s rather like hearing the NYT subscriptions increased after the election. I just vomit into a bucket these days.

I’d take ‘em out for drinks! “Man you nearly had me beat, how ‘d ya do it?”

but the shoes!1

The culmination will be women beating the living daylights out of men but wearing sensible flats whilst they administer said beating.

Good but it ran for probably thirty seconds too long.

curse you and your fonts!

Yeah, I don’t know why I was playing Devils Advocate for her but that Canadian bit

I remember when I got stopped by a State Trooper many, many years ago.

Jeebus, considering how his face hit that wall he might have a future in the NHL..

The change is coming but it (and we) might not survive the last-ditch effort to stop it.

Even if there were a miracle tommorow and we had non-insane/monstrous people in charge we’d still have to come before Europe, hat in hand, and beg for forgiveness.

Yeah yeah, now I wanna see her kick ass in cargo shorts.