
I dare not show disrespect to someone of your talent/craft but one of those”behold ye field in which groweth my fucks” would go a long way towards somethingness. !

part of the fun would be “Oh yes, those secret groups were basically people that were sick of religious/monarchical rule.”

So my mother mentioned some woman at church, She already ahd the “Trump will have the election stolen from him” bit memorized. This is a ‘professional’ and she bought the whole thing hook/line/und sinker.

I apologize, my brain has turned to mush and a lawyer friend is presenting “Miley Cyrus Party in the USA” as if it’s not....not....I’m sorry...party?

Good Lord, it is amazing what a few hours, a bit less  alcohol and a massive bribe by the Clin-tons can do. Where were we?

It’s only 9:30 here on best coast?

. . . had taken Game One only to implode like . . .

Hey nm!!

Now replace her with the First Lady..

it’s a tradeoff between having them here to discredit me and not having them.

Shit I had to fight my own foggy haze to remember it was Daft Punk - One more ah who cares. Now it’s like that momeny from a few years ago, downtown. There wasa big zombie walk. I actually took a few steps back as the entire group descended on that one bar near ‘I Love Sushi.’

Worst part about getting old-- I could not f ucking remembe Daft Punk and one more time Tool is right there.

Once again “what will you without electricity?!” Oh, books, well...ok then.

Now playing

*bunch of bullshit* —Ya ya ya, it’s stupid, ‘if my grandmother had wheels she’d be a wagon.’ etc.

I mean, just as a follow up, she’s fantastic! Then there’s Thandie Newton who, well too much good to ignore!

...watching what happened with “her daughter” Santeria, was not sublime.

Dearest Hannah,

There should be war on Christmas, push that shit back to December where it fucing belongs!

Shit, you mean I have to listen to “The Island of Misfit Toys” now?!

They should just plaster her face on those signs coming FROM the island ferry for your friend that died in ‘04, anyway. I nearly ran down an entire family, Buck, Doe and fawn. The signs were posted but...jinkies!