you don’t know danger until you have informed your mother that she can watch Rudolph, commerical-free, on youtube. *mush!!*
you don’t know danger until you have informed your mother that she can watch Rudolph, commerical-free, on youtube. *mush!!*
Nonsense dear, you’re just as special as everybody else.
Good Lord, the season got the best of me and I have Rudolph on youtube (51 mins) Donner is a fucker.
So my aunt wasn’t joking...
Oh thanks, Now I have to watch B&B again..
It sounds damn stupid and I live in Seattle so my vote isn’t worth much but the midterms. There must be an actual, concerted effort to get (I’m 34) young people out to vote in the midterms.
If you were in her position, knowing what’s likely to happen when he not only loses, but is soundly defeated, would you risk it?
Dadgummit! I still hold that Melania is basically a prisoner.
It’s not even fair, she is so beautiful!
Wait, they aren’t the same people are they?!
She is a lady withwhom most poeple would choose not to fuck. Grammer notwithstanding.
“I don’t have much of a preference when it comes to women. As long as they smell good and remind me of me I like ‘em!”
I can’t watch the show anymore. I fell in love during it and now it’s just a painful reminder.
We can judge most of humanity by “can we fuck it? then kill it.”
Should’ve been Russell Wilson pedaling..
I know I’m talking to the wind but it really, really does matter!
“How to cook a steak over candlelight.”
I *heart* U!
If that was my mother I would be in prison right this second. I mean questioning her qualifications and what-not....fuuuuuck that. Anyway, some schmucks opinion.
What does this have to do with Rose McGowan? I mean, it could not possibly be some kind of monolithic, unfeeling *wall* that might drive somebody to do something drastic i.e. be a woman in public.