
“This mean guy is mean!” ...and?

I’m tellin ya, VOTE! That cynical feeling that your vote doesn’t/won’t count isn’t true. The older I get the more I realize: voting works.

A friend of the family made an off-hand comment about how justice has become extortion. Not in every case but it’s becoming more and more easy to just “fine the populace, they deserve it.”

Happy Birthday!

The creepy bit was slowly, slowly realizing just what was being played on the piano. Even If I didn’t know it my thinkie-thing (“Brain?” yeah that!) did.

Good TV might rekindle my belief in Gawd...


Remember -> you must love and cherish the meat! As a wise man once said “You cut the fat you kill the burger!”

Random quote by some guy: “I speak Spanish to God, Italian to women, French to men, and German to my horse.”

NOTHING! You’re just hearing more about it.

Yeah, my mother did not buy that geschutzwagen was German for “butterfly.”

Malarkey, I walked to the store today sans hood! I have been waiting for the rain for months. Of course that didn’t stop the poor bastards and their leafblowers *Hey guys, it’s worse behind you than in front!*

“I thought I might!”

What really, really matters is getting everyone out to vote in 2018 for the midterms. Hillz, like Obama, can’t do much if nobody turns out to vote and elect actual people to actually do things.

Now playing

I’ve never heard of Evan Rachel Wood before but damn she’s good! Oh and

Thank you, now we know that “Cocaine Spider” is too far. *sigh* fine Cocaine Whip Spider* you pedants.

She is either (A) earning her money or (2) about to sue for a shitload ‘a money!

My Aunt knitted quite a bit. She liked to joke about Witchcraft and “knitting your grave.”

There’s “Klys” or “Sylk” on twitter, she’s some kind of *whatever colloquial term you use* and pretty good.

Shit, I went across the street to the store, was gone maybe twenty minutes, I come back and I have to reset all the damn clocks!