
Don’t let Russell Wilson hear that one, his knee will instantly atomize.

“technically we’re not allowed to go to the bathroom.”

Somebody better preheat this take! Hi-Oh or something.

That is honestly one of the most perfect things I’ve seen.

So I guess Kelly MacDonald was in deep with that delightful Ewan McGregor fellow in that move that came out....TWENTY YEARS AGO?!

I visited with a friend who went to WSU. The only thing I remember are some jagoff cop in Colfax nailing people going 26 in a 25. The other is my friends roommate lining the entire apartment wall, door to door, with empty 24 packs of cheap beer.

Ok -> I want this to succeed gloriously and be that space game I’ve been after since Privateer II. The second biggest “but” in the world goes to...

I think we’ve reached the high-water mark for our species. I think we’re going to slide back into darkness and another world war.

I was looking forward to watching a shit show bit this is a bit much.

Reminds of me of those stories about the Night Witches. Russian women pilots that “gave the Germans pause.”

All I care about is that Tina Feys signature (on those american express ads) looks exactly like “Twattery.”

So Brave!

As a third-generation Seattle native most of those bandwagon fans are transplanted Californians. They ruined this city.


I just watched CBC the entire time. They showed most of the good (non-Canadian) matches anyway.

Maybe they can get Bojack to play the horse.

That women in the red jeans turns out to be some ancient god yadda-yadda-yadda.

I said the same thing somewhere else (probably here) but women are just crushing it!!1

Fuck it! It’s time!!1